anekdotes / validator
A validator class to validate inputs
- php: >=7.4.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-24 23:12:35 UTC
A validator class to validate input data against validation types.
Install via composer in your project :
composer require anekdotes/validator
Basic usage
Prepare an input array to validate and a rules array to validate against
$input = [ "formName" => $_POST["formName"], "formEmail" => $_POST["formEmail"], "otherData" => "Bob" ]; $rules = [ "formName" => ["required"], "formEmail" => ["required", "email"] ]
Then, instantiate the validator with the rules and use its status to follow-up with code.
// initiate the Validator with inputs and rules use Anekdotes\Validator; function doSomething(){ $validator = Validator::make($inputs, $rules); // test if validator pass all the tests if($validator->fail()) { //Log something maybe? //Display a message maybe? return false; } //Proceed with the data //Store it in the db? }
Rule Types
Check if the input is empty
$rules = ["inputField" => "required"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "" ]; $inputB = ["otherInput" => "Whatever" ]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "Something" ]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "Stuff" , "otherInput" => "anythingElse"];
Check if the input is empty, but only if an other input's value equals a specific value
$rules = ["inputField" => "requiredIf:otherInput,otherInputsValue"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputB = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "anythingElse"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => ""]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => ""];
Check if the input is empty if an other input is not empty
$rules = ["inputField" => "requiredWith:otherInput"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "anythingElse"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => ""]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => ""];
Check if the input is empty if an other input is empty
$rules = ["inputField" => "requiredWithout:otherInput"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputC = ["inputField" => ""]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputA = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "anythingElse"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => ""];
Check if the input is an integer
$rules = ["inputField" => "integer"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "a"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "12"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => 12.3]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputD = ["inputField" => 1];
Check if the input is numeric
$rules = ["inputField" => "numeric"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "a"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputB = ["inputField" => "12"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => 12.3]; $inputD = ["inputField" => 1];
Check if the input is a date
$rules = ["inputField" => "date"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "a"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputB = ["inputField" => "1-1-2000"];
Check if the input is different from follow-up values
$rules = ["inputField" => "different:Git,Hub"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "Git"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "Hub"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "git"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "toast"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "GitHub"];
Check if the input matches an email address
$rules = ["inputField" => "email"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "test"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "test@test"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => ""]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "test@test.test"];
Check if the input matches a canadian postal code
$rules = ["inputField" => "postalCode"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "test"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "123456"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "J4R 2L6"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "A1A1A1"];
Check if the input matches an american phone number
$rules = ["inputField" => "phoneNumber"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "test"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "123456"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "4507482822"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "1-800-123-4567"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "1 (800) 123-4567"];
Check if the input is between a minimum and a maximum
Available types of input:
- String : Tests the string's character count
- Number : Tests the number's value
- Files : Tests the file's size in KiloBytes
$rules = ["inputField" => "between:3,5"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "tested"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => 6]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => 4]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "test"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "5"];
Check if the input is above a minimum
Available types of input:
- String : Tests the string's character count
- Number : Tests the number's value
- Files : Tests the file's size in KiloBytes
$rules = ["inputField" => "minimum:3"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "ta"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => 2]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => 4]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "est"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "5"];
Check if the input is under a maximum
Available types of input:
- String : Tests the string's character count
- Number : Tests the number's value
- Files : Tests the file's size in KiloBytes
$rules = ["inputField" => "maximum:3"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputC = ["inputField" => 4]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "test"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "5"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputA = ["inputField" => "ta"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => 2];
Check if the input has the exact size
Available types of input:
- String : Tests the string's character count
- Number : Tests the number's value
- Files : Tests the file's size in KiloBytes
$rules = ["inputField" => "size:3"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "ta"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => 232]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => 3]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "abs"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "3"];
Check if the input has the exact string length provided (works the samne way as size, but only for strings)
$rules = ["inputField" => "length:3"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "ta"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "3"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "125"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "abs"];
Check if the input matches a URL
$rules = ["inputField" => "url"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "ta"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputB = ["inputField" => ""]; $inputC = ["inputField" => ""];
Check if the input matches an existing URL, based on PHP's DNS Check
$rules = ["inputField" => "validUrl"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "ta"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputB = ["inputField" => ""]; $inputC = ["inputField" => ""];
Check if the input had the same value as another input (useful for password checks)
$rules = ["inputField" => "same:otherInput"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "" , "otherInput" => "otherInputsValue"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "maybe" , "otherInput" => "anythingElse"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "qwerty123456", "otherInput" => "qwerty123456"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "Data" , "otherInput" => "Data"];
Check if the input contains only alphabetic characters
$rules = ["inputField" => "alpha"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "a12b"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "hi there"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => "marks-the-spot"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputD = ["inputField" => "anekdotes"];
Check if the input contains only alphabetic and numeric characters
$rules = ["inputField" => "alpha_num"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputB = ["inputField" => "hi there"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => "marks-the-spot"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputA = ["inputField" => "a12b"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "anekdotes"];
Check if the input contains only alphabetic,numeric and dashes characters
$rules = ["inputField" => "alpha_num"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputB = ["inputField" => "hi there"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputA = ["inputField" => "a12b"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => "marks-the-spot"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "anekdotes"];
Check if the input is a date older than the provided :date
$rules = ["inputField" => "before:2016-12-31"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "hi there"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "2017-01-01"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "2015-02-28"];
Check if the input if a date younger than the provided :date
$rules = ["inputField" => "after:2016-12-31"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "hi there"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => "2015-02-28"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputB = ["inputField" => "2017-01-01"];
Check if the input is an integer that contains exactly x digits
$rules = ["inputField" => "digits:4"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "1234567890"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "1a28"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "2017"];
Check if the input
Check if the input is an integer that contains between x and y digits
$rules = ["inputField" => "digits_between:4,6"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "1234567890"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "1a28"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputC = ["inputField" => "2017"]; $inputD = ["inputField" => "201712"];
Checks that if a confirmation field has the same value that the other one (Perfect for password or email checks)
$rules = ["inputField" => "confirmed"]; //The following inputs would validate as a failure $inputA = ["inputField" => "qwerty123" , "inputField_confirmation" => "123456"]; $inputB = ["inputField" => "" , "inputField_confirmation" => "123456"]; $inputC = ["inputField" => "123456"]; //The following inputs would validate as a success $inputD = ["inputField" => "123456" , "inputField_confirmation" => "123456"]; $inputE = ["inputField" => "test@test.test" , "inputField_confirmation" => "test@test.test"];