
Extends DateTime class for add some comfort.

v2.3.1 2018-09-12 06:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-22 04:41:58 UTC


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It extends DateTime class to add some comfort.


Installation using composer:

composer require andydune/datetime

Or if composer was not installed globally:

php composer.phar require andydune/datetime

Or edit your composer.json:

"require" : {
     "andydune/datetime": "^2"

And execute command:

php composer.phar update

How to create instance

Constructor without parameters set current time value.

use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime();
$dt->getTimestamp; // == time()

Constructor with integer parameter is unit seconds.

use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime(time() + 3600);
$dt->getTimestamp; // == time() + 3600

Constructor with string parameter is the same for function strtotime()

use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime('2018-04-11'); // default format is mysql datetime
$dt = new DateTime('11.04.2017', 'd.m.Y'); // own format - use string as for date() function

Constructor with parameter \Datetime type

use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime(new \DateTime());

Format datetime

It has method format() to get formated datetiem data as string. Method waits string like date() function.

use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime();
echo $dt->format('Y-m-d'); // 2107-04-12
echo $dt->format('H:i'); // 10:04

Dates arithmetic.

Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the specification is preceded by the letter T.

Period Designators:

  • Y - years,
  • M - months,
  • D - days,
  • W - weeks,
  • H - hours,
  • M - minutes,
  • S - seconds.


use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime();
$dt->add('2D'); // two days
$dt->add('T2S'); // two seconds
$dt->add('6YT5M'); // six years and five minutes

The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the smallest scale unit on the right. Use first "-" char for negative periods. OR Relative period.


use AndyDuneTest\DateTime\DateTime;
$dt = new DateTime();
$dt->add('+5 weeks'); // 5 weeks to future
$dt->add('12 day'); // 12 days to future
$dt->add('-7 weekdays'); // 7 working daye to past
$dt->add('3 months - 5 days'); // 3 months to future and 5 days to past


Bring per day statistics to weeks.

If there is no full weekdays number is source data missing days will be added as average.

Source json:

$json = '
    "2018-03-01" : 913,
    "2018-03-03" : 913,
    "2018-03-04" : 913,
    "2018-03-05" : 910,
    "2018-03-07" : 914,
    "2018-03-08" : 915,
    "2018-03-09" : 915,
    "2018-03-11" : 912,
    "2018-03-12" : 869,
    "2018-03-14" : 869,
    "2018-03-16" : 869,
    "2018-03-17" : 864,
use AndyDune\DateTime\Tool\Statistics\BringNumberInDayToNumberInWeek;
$data = json_decode($json, true);

$stat = new BringNumberInDayToNumberInWeek($data);
$weeks = $stat->getWeeksWithCalendarDivision();

Weeks are:

    "2018-03-04" : 6391,
    "2018-03-11" : 6393,
    "2018-03-18" : 6075

Strategy pattent

There is great instrument to manipulatin with DateTime object without editting existing code in this library.


DateTime::setAction(AbstractAction $action) - add action for further execution

DateTime::executeAction(...$params) - execute actions with any patrams

To know is working day

use AndyDune\DateTime\Action\IsWorkingDay;
use AndyDune\DateTime\DateTime;

$dt = new DateTime('18-04-2018', 'd-m-Y');
$dt->setAction(new IsWorkingDay())->executeAction(); // true

$dt = new DateTime('22-04-2018', 'd-m-Y');
$dt->setAction(new IsWorkingDay())->executeAction(); // false

To know closest working date after pointed days number

There is an action AndyDune\DateTime\Action\PlusWorkingDays for this task.

use AndyDune\DateTime\Action\PlusWorkingDays;
use AndyDune\DateTime\DateTime;

$dt = new DateTime('28-04-2018', 'd-m-Y');
$action = new PlusWorkingDays();
$action->setNoWorkingDays(['1-05', '30-04']);  // set list of official holidays 
$action->setWorkingDays(['28-04']); // set list of working sundays or saturdays
$dt->setAction($action)->executeAction(1); // to know working date after 1 day

$dt->format('d-m-Y'); // '02-05-2018'
$action->getDaysPlus(); // 4 days