
PHP Utility to add automated json deserialize into typed objects

v2.5.4 2024-03-13 13:39 UTC


JSON Deserialize is an abstract class that enables JSON deserialization into a specific class. Simply extend the jsonDeserialize class and then call the static jsonDeserialize method. Requires all properties to be typed. Array type will be determined by a PHPDoc definition.

Requires >=PHP 8


composer require andrewsauder/json-deserialize


Extend your class from \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\jsonDeserialize class then call {yourClass}::jsonDeserialize( {stringified json} ); to deserialize the JSON automatically into your class.



Tag properties on your class with the #[excludeJsonDeserialize] attribute to prevent the value of the field from being deserialized into the class generated by jsonDeserialize()


Tag properties on your class with the #[excludeJsonSerialize] attribute to prevent that field from being serialized into the output of json_encode();


The hooks provided allow you ti extend the default functionality of jsonDeserialize. Add hook methods to your class that extends \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\jsonDeserialize. The hook will be called automatically during the deserialization and serialization lifecycle.

Before Json Deserialize

Static method called on a class immediately before deserialization into the class occurs.

protected static function _beforeJsonDeserialize( string|\stdClass $json ): void {}

After Json Deserialize

Called on a newly created instance after deserialization is complete.

protected function _afterJsonDeserialize() : void {}

Before Json Serialize

Called on an instance immediately before serialization to JSON.

protected function _beforeJsonSerialize() : void {}

After Json Serialize

Called on an instance after serialization to a plain array. The standard export data is provided to the hook and the hook must return an array which will be immediately encoded to JSON.

protected function _afterJsonSerialize( array $export ): array {
    return $export;

Code Example


class myModel extends \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\jsonDeserialize {

	public int    $varA = 1;
	public string $varB = 'B1';
	public string $varC = 'C1';
	/** @var string[]  */
	public array $varD = [ 'D1', 'D2', 'D3' ];
	public int    $varASquared = 1;
	protected function _afterJsonDeserialize() {
		//automagically called after self::jsonDeserialize() has finished its deserialization
		$this->varASquared = $this->varA * $this->varA;
	protected function _beforeJsonSerialize() {
		//automagically called before json_encode( {$this} ) serializes object into JSON
		$this->varASquared = $this->varA * $this->varA; 


class myController {
    public function post() {
        $jsonString = '{ "varA":2, "varASquared":3, "varB":"B2", "varC":"C2", "varD":[ "D4", "D5", "D6" ] }';
        $myModel = myModel::jsonDeserialize( $jsonString );
        //$myModel is now an instance of myModel
        echo $myModel->varA;
        echo $myModel->varASquared; //<-Note that this property is updated in _afterJsonDeserialize
        echo $myModel->varB;
        echo $myModel->varC; //<-This property's value is not set from the JSON because it has #[excludeJsonDeserialize]
        foreach( $myModel->varD as $i=>$v) {
                echo $myModel->varD[ $i ];



Debug Logging

To enable debug logging, add these lines prior to deserializing. All objects deserialized after will include debug logging to a new log file in the provided path. The logging is expensive but it is useful for determining missing properties on classes or json data.

\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setDebugLogging( true );
\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setDebugLogPath( 'C:/inetpub/logs' );

Fine Tune Logging

By default, when logging is enabled, all debugging messages are enabled.

  • To turn off messages about properties that exist in the class but do not exist in the JSON source: \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setLogJsonMissingProperty( true );

  • To turn off messages about properties that exist in the JSON source but do not exist in the class: \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setLogClassMissingProperty( true );

  • To turn off messages about properties in the class without a strict type: \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setLogClassPropertyMissingType( true );