
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Simple PHP caching system for raw data or rendered output.

1.0.2 2017-03-28 20:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-03-26 12:46:14 UTC


Simple PHP caching system for raw data or rendered output.


Composer is the preferred installation method.

composer require andrewsauder/cachesys


All of the samples below will assume that you add a use statement inside of your namespace referencing cacheSys.

namespace MyVendorNamespace;
use andrewsauder;

If you opt not to add a use statement, you must reference the cacheSys methods by it's fully qualified class name. Ie:

\andrewsauder\cacheSys::get( 'cacheName', 'cacheKey' );

Retrieving and Create Cache

This is the core useage of cacheSys. I like to think of it as a wrapper for any complex logic that slows requests down.

$employee = cacheSys::get( 'employees', 712 );

if( $employee===false ) {
    //do heavy lifting to create $employee
    $employee = 'Andrew';
    cacheSys::put( 'employees', 712, $employee );

var_dump( $employee );

Of course, you always need to make sure that your cached data remains relevant. To do this you can make use of the max age parameter of the get method

/* get the cached copy of employee 712
 * but return false if the cache was created
 * more than 86,400 seconds (24 hours) ago
$employee = cacheSys::get( 'employees', 712, 86400 );

Delete Cached Item

You can also delete a specific cached item on demand.

cacheSys::deleteCachedItem( 'employees', 712 );

Delete Cache Category

Or delete an entire cache category. For example, if you wanted to delete all employees instead of just one, you can delete the entire category instead

cacheSys::deleteCachedCategory( 'employees');