
Very small MVC frameworking using filesystem routing.

v0.6 2022-06-20 20:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 02:48:24 UTC


Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version

MVCzitto is a framework for PHP that allows you to build web applications in a simple and easy way.

Instead of traditional OO Based MVC, we decided to implement MVC using File System Routing.

The idea behing this is to write code using PHP as pure as possible, but providing some patterns and organization.

Two things motivated me to do it:

  • The nextjs routing
  • Rasmus Lerdorf said "PHP Frameworks all suck". I'm trying to create this fremework as less frameworky as possible.


Add via composer

composer create-project andreimosman/mvczitto foldername

Please refer to the Composer website for instructions on how to install it on your platform if you don't have it. Alternatively, you may also download Frameworkitto from the releases page and export it to your project's main folder.

Docker development environment

At the folder docker-dev-environment you can call to create the development environment using docker compose.

Please refer to the Docker website for instructions on how to install it on your platform if you don't have it.

Getting Started with MVCzitto

The app folder contain more instructions and also few samples

├── index.php (entry point - where de dependency injection is done)
├── config.php (configuration file)
├── assets
│   ├── css
│   │   └── style.css
│   └── images
│       └── logo-mvczitto.png
├── controllers
│   ├── authenticated (controllers that require authentication)
│   │   ├── dashboard
│   │   │   └── index.php
│   │   ├── index.php
│   │   └── user
│   │       ├── @(post)new.php
│   │       ├── edit
│   │       │   ├── @(put,patch)[id].php
│   │       │   └── [id].php
│   │       ├── logout.php
│   │       ├── new.php
│   │       └── profile.php
│   └── open (controllers that don't require authentication)
│       ├── gettingstarted
│       │   └── index.php
│       ├── index.php
│       └── user
│           ├── @(post)forgotpassword.php
│           ├── @(post)login.php
│           ├── @(post)signup.php
│           ├── forgotpassword.php
│           ├── index.php
│           ├── login.php
│           └── signup.php
├── models (filesystem base models)
│   └── users
│       ├── create.php
│       ├── delete.php
│       ├── read.php
│       └── update.php
└── views (follows the same pattern as controllers)
    ├── authenticated
    │   ├── footer.php
    │   ├── header.php
    │   └── user
    │       └── edit
    │           └── [id].php
    └── open
        ├── footer.php
        ├── gettingstarted
        │   └── index.php
        ├── header.php
        └── user
            ├── forgotpassword.php
            ├── login.php
            └── signup.php

Routing verbs

The verb set by default is GET but you can specify the verb at the begining of the filename inside @(), such as @(post)new.php


The folders authenticated and open means that the route is valid on user is authenticated or not respectively.

The super simple authentication schema is:

$auth = \MVCzitto\Application\Authentication::getInstance()


By doing this $auth->isAuthenticated() will return true;

You can logout by calling $auth->unsetAuthenticationData()

Check app/controllers/open/user/@(post)login.php and app/controllers/authenticated/user/logout.php

File system models

├── models
    └── users
        ├── create.php
        ├── delete.php
        ├── read.php
        └── update.php

To access then on controllers you can just call $models->nameOfTheController. Check app/controllers/open/user/@(post)login.php:

$usersModel = $models->users; // Load the model
$user = $usersModel->read(['email' => $email]); // Find the user

It executes the snippet located at app/models/users/read.php.

The main index.php

app/index.php contains the entry point of the application and the dependency injector.

File System CLI Scripts

In the same way controllers and models works, you can create CLI commands, accessible through ./app/cli.

A few dummy examples where added to app:

└── backup
    ├── database.php
    └── uploaded-files.php


$ ./cli

No command specified.


    ./cli <command> [<parameters>]

Available commands:
