
Persiana is a Persian text normalizer utility that support English for every day usage with texts.

v1.0 2020-03-28 15:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:49:24 UTC


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Persiana is a Persian text normalizer utility that support English for every day usage with texts.


by Composer

composer require anderss0n/persiana

by Git

git clone

How to use

Use the following class into your PHP code:

use Anderss0n\Persiana\Normalizer;

Simple example:

echo Normalizer::tidySpaces('test the  new     package.'); // OUTPUT: test the new package.

List of methods

Static Methods Description
tidySpaces Convert sequence of spaces to single space and trim it.
dropBreakingLines Drop breaking line to make sequence of text without new lines.
dropPersianPhonemes Drop general Persian vowel phonemes.
normalizePersianNumbers Convert Persian numbers to its English form.
normalizePersianLetters Convert Arabic letters to Persian one.
normalizeEnglishLetters Convert Latin letters to English one.
normalizeWhiteSpaces Convert all type of spaces to standard one.
fetchValidLetters Fetch only Persian and English letters then tidy spaces.
fetchInvalidCharacters Fetch all thing instead of Persian and English letters.
normalize Full normalize uses this class functionality to prevent repeating usage.
slug Make a slug for url usage.