
Axo - A simple console app micro-framework

2.4.0 2018-02-08 20:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 19:49:29 UTC


A Console App Micro-Framework

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A simple framework for creating console apps and quick microservices


Run php axo to list available commands:

$ php axo

Available commands:
example    An example command
new        Create a new command
version    Print the current running version of Axo

Create a new Command

$ php axo new --help
Create a new command

php axo new NAME COMMAND

name             The name of the command file
command          The command signature to run the new command

--namespace      The namespace to create the command in
--description    A description for the command
--directory      The directory to store the new command in
--help           Displays this help text
--quiet          Silences the commands output

For example:

$ php axo new ProcessCommand process --description="Process a file"

Global Options

--help          Print the help text for the command, if available
--quiet/-q      Silence any output from the command


Commands are placed in the commands/ directory and are enumerated automatically.

Command Template


namespace Commands;

use System\Log\Log;
use System\Console\Command;

class ExampleCommand extends Command
     * Signature formats:
     *     1          2              3             4           5          6
     * 1) The command to run this Command via run
     * 2) An optional description that displays in the command list
     * 3) A compulsary option, with short alias
     * 4) An optional option
     * 5) A compulsary argument
     * 6) An optional argument
    protected $signature = 'example (Prints the date and time)  {--timestamp|-t}

     * Setup the Command
     * @return void
    public function setup()
        // The $signature can instead be specified fluently
        // $this->setCommand('example')
        //        ->setDescription('Example command - prints the date and time')
        //        ->requiresOption(['timestamp', 't'])
        //        ->requiresArgument('format')
        //        ->acceptsArgument('timezone');

     * Provides the help text for this command
     * @return string
    public function help()
        return <<<EOS
This is the help text for this command.
Here we can explain the various options available.


  -t/--timestamp    Provides the timestamp to use, defaults to current
  -q/--quiet        Silences output

     * Run the program
     * @return Response
    public function run()
        $timestamp = $this->option(['timestamp', 't'], time());

        $this->output(date($this->argument('format'), $timestamp));

Dependency Injection

Type-hinted dependencies are automatically injected into command constructors and the run() method.

You must call parent::__construct(); within a custom constructor to ensure the Command initialises correctly.

Arguments are also automatically injected into the run() method with matching variable names:


namespace Commands;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use System\Console\Command;

class ExampleCommand extends Command
    protected $signature = 'example (Prints the date and time)  {format}';

    /** @var Carbon\Carbon */
    protected $carbon;

    public function __construct(Carbon $carbon)

        $this->carbon = $carbon;

    public function run(string $format)
        $this->output('Format: '. $format);
$ php axo example d M Y
Format: d M Y
08 Feb 2018

Console Output

Styled Output

Beautified console output can be achieved through utility functions, such as


You may also apply styling to text using the second argument:

$this->danger('Danger text', ['underline', 'bold']);

Progress Bar

Display a progress bar for long-running tasks:

// Init a progress bar
// Pass the upper limit of the progress as the first argument

// Set a title

// Set a message to display on completion
$this->setProgressBarCompleteMessage('Completed task');

// Begin

for ($number = 0; $number < 10; $number++) {
    // Increment the progress bar

    // Or, advance by multiple
    // $this->advanceProgressBar(2);

    // Alternatively, set the progress manually
    // $this->setProgressBar(5);

// Mark the progress bar as complete


5/10 [#############            ] 50%

Shortcut usage

axo may be run without the php prefix:

$ chmod +x axo

$ ./axo command