
It's Instagram Graph SDK for PHP. With this package you can easily make all requests to Instagram Graph API, like Auth and CRUD. Also, we will have more methods regularly.

2.0.0 2022-10-06 16:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-06 20:04:27 UTC


Source Code Latest Version Software License PHP Version Total Downloads

It's Instagram Graph SDK for PHP.

With this package you can easily make all requests to Instagram Graph API, like Auth and CRUD. Also, we will have more methods regularly.

This project adheres to a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and its community, you are expected to uphold this code.


The preferred method of installation is via Composer. Run the following command to install the package and add it as a requirement to your project's composer.json:

composer require amirsarhang/instagram-php-sdk

Or add the following to your composer.json file:

"require": {
      "amirsarhang/instagram-php-sdk": "2.0.0"



PHP Version Package Version
>= 7.0 1.x
>= 8.0 2.x

*Please remember that you need verified Facebook APP to use this sdk.


Put these values in your .env file:

FACEBOOK_APP_ID="<YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID>" // Get it from your FB developer dashboard
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET="<YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET>" // Get it from your FB developer dashboard
FACEBOOK_GRAPH_VERSION="v10.0" // Your Graph version >= v10.0
INSTAGRAM_CALLBACK_URL="" // Instagram callback after login

Auth & Login

use Amirsarhang\Instagram;
public function login()
    // Go to FB Documentations to see available permissions
    $permissions = [
    // Generate Instagram Graph Login URL
    $login = (new Instagram())->getLoginUrl($permissions);
    // Redirect To Facebook Login & Select Account Page
    return header("Location: ".$login);
  • Please remember that your added permissions need verified by Facebook.

Here you can find Facebook Permissions.

Generate & Save User Access Token in your Database.

use Amirsarhang\Instagram;
public function callback()
    // Generate User Access Token After User Callback To Your Site
    return Instagram::getUserAccessToken();

Then we are ready to generate our page access token, but first we should get all selected page by user, then show them to your user to select which page's access token should be save in Database.

use Amirsarhang\Instagram;
public function instagramAccounts(): array
    $token = "<USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>"; // We got it in callback
    $instagram = new Instagram($token);

    // Will return all instagram accounts that connected to your facebook selected pages.
    return $instagram->getConnectedAccountsList(); 

Sample Response

"success": "true",
"instagramAccounts": [
  "name": "Test Page",
  "biography": "This is Test account",
  "username": "username",
  "followers_count": 167000,
  "follows_count": 1,
  "media_count": 231,
  "profile_picture_url": "",
  "id": "17841111111111111",
  "fb_page_id": "108011111111111",
  "fb_page_access_token": "EAAWq8obOe68BAA1r8GUHqOvVZHDY&WFWKHBDfJrjPswLuMb4E8ZCxCRvNW37bt9tslaBBRbTv"
  "name": "Test Page2",
  "biography": "This is other Test account",
  "username": "username2",
  "followers_count": 1200,
  "follows_count": 22,
  "media_count": 23,
  "profile_picture_url": "",
  "id": "17841222222222222",
  "fb_page_id": "108022222222222",
  "fb_page_access_token": "XXREWDY&WFWKHBDfJrjPswLuMb4E8ZCxCRvNW37bt9tslBCFEZDZD"

After storing selected page data by user in your database, then you need to call subscribeWebhook() to register this page for get real time Events.

use Amirsarhang\Instagram;
public function registerWebhook()
    $fb_page_id= "<FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID>";
    $instagram = new Instagram($token);

    // Default subscribe with email field
    return $instagram->subscribeWebhook($fb_page_id, $token);
    // You can pass your needed fields as an Array in the last parameter.
    // Your app does not receive notifications for changes to a field
    // unless you configure Page subscriptions in the App Dashboard and subscribe to that field.
    return $instagram->subscribeWebhook($fb_page_id, $token, ["email", "feed", "mentions"]);

Check this link for more details about page subscriptions.


use Amirsarhang\Instagram;
public function userInfo()

    $instagram = new Instagram($access_token);

    $endpoint = '/me?fields=id,name';

    return $instagram->get($endpoint);

  • If your request is on graphEdge, you can pass true on $instagram->get($endpoint, true) as second parameter.


Comment Methods

Get Comment Data

// Get default Comment fields data (Timestamp, text, id)
$get_comment = $instagram->getComment($comment_id);

// If you need other fields you can send them as array
$get_comment = $instagram->getComment($comment_id, ['media','like_count']);

return $get_comment;

Add Comment

return $instagram->addComment($recipient_id, 'Test Reply');

Delete Comment

return $instagram->deleteComment($comment_id);

Hide & UnHide Comment

return $instagram->hideComment($comment_id, true); // false for UnHide

Messaging Methods

Get Message Data

// Get default Message fields data (message, from, created_time, attachments, id)
$get_message = $instagram->getMessage($message_id);

// If you need other fields you can send them as array
$get_message = $instagram->getMessage($message_id, ['attachments','from']);

return $get_message;

Send Text Message (Direct Message)

return $instagram->addTextMessage($recipient_id, 'Test DM');

Send Media Message (Direct Message)

return $instagram->addMediaMessage($recipient_id, '<IMAGE_URL>');

I will add more Useful methods as soon as possible :)

Check out the documentation website for detailed information and code examples.


Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING for details.

Copyright and License

The amirsarhang/instagram-php-sdk library is copyright © Amirhossein Sarhangian and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.