
Validation Rule Builder for Laravel

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1.0.0 2020-10-29 11:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:46:42 UTC


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Nope is a validation rule builder for laravel inspired by Yup for javascript.

With Nope you can generate rules more fluently, I've also copied rules description from laravel official website and hard coded them into Nope, so you can have access to documentations easily.

Some functionalities have been extended for validation rules, for example you can pass Carbon instances to date validation rules like after.


Require this package with composer using the following command:

   composer require amirhs712/rule-builder


I recommend using nope() global helper for warning-free and complete ide-inspection. Also you can use Amirhs712\RuleBuilder\Nope class instead.

   $rules = [
        'username' => nope()->required()->string()->max(30)->get(), //[required,string,max:30]

        'password' => Nope::required()->stringOf(30)->confirmed()->get() //[required,string,confirmed,max:30]

We use get() to get output as an array, alternatively you can use toString() to return the output as a pipe separated string.

  • toString and get support a required status ranging from -2 to 1.
    • 1 => call required rule
    • 0 => do nothing (default)
    • -1 => call sometimes rule
    • -2 => call sometimes & nullable rules
    $rules = [
        'username' => nope()->stringOf(30)->toString(1), //string|max:30|required

        'password' => nope()->stringOf(30)->toString(-2) //string|max:30|sometimes|nullable

Date Rules with Carbon

You can pass a carbon instance to the following date rules: after, afterOrEqual, dateEquals,before, beforeOrEqual

    $rules = [
        'date' => nope()->after('today')->get(),

        'another_date' => nope()->afterOrEqual(now()->addMonth())->get(),

Min / Max Helpers

These methods allow you to set min and / or max arguments manually.

    ->alpha($min, $max)
    ->alphaDash($min, $max)
    ->alphaNum($min, $max)
    ->array($min, $max)
    ->integer($min, $max)
    ->numeric($min, $max)
    ->string($min, $max)

Raw rules

You can use raw(string|array) to add raw string rules or validation objects.

        'field1' => nope()->raw('string|max:30')->get(),
        'field2' => nope()->raw(['string', 'max:30'])->get(),
        'field3' => nope()->raw(new ValidationObject)->get(),
        'field4' => nope()->raw([new ValidationObject, new AnotherObject])->get(),
        'field5' => nope()->raw('string')->raw('max')->get(),
  • Note: You cannot call toString method if you have validation objects. Doing so will result in an error.

Conditional rules

You can use when method to add rules conditionally.

nope()->when($conditionIsMet, function(Nope $nope){

Laravel constraint builders

in, notIn, dimensions, exists, unique methods support both their relative constraint builders and, their default values.

$rules = [
    'image1' => nope()->dimensions(['width' => 300, 'height' => 300])->get(),

    'image2' => nope()->dimensions(Rule::dimensions()->width(300)->height(300))->get(),


You can build and define your own rule templates.

Coming soon!

Undefined methods

Right now there are no limitations for method calls (I could not find a reason to do so), for example you can do

nope()->myCustomExtendedRule($arg1, $arg2,...)->get(); //Results in: ["my_custom_extended_rule:$arg1, $arg2,..."]


You can check this package as an alternative, I've implemented some ideas from this package and merged them into my own solution.


Please feel free to open up an issue, or a Pull Request if you have any suggestions.