
CLI based functional test suite using the Nordic Master Control Panel Android app.

dev-master 2017-03-27 19:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:54:05 UTC


A PHP development environment for creating a Bluetooth testing suite. Useful for connecting to a device to verify it's Bluetooth service setup as well as testing the device itself by interacting with it through automated BT tests.


This software relies on the (awesome) NordicSemiconductor Master Control Panel tool running on Android.

  • Nordic MCP tool on Android phone
  • ADB (Android Debug command line tool)
  • PHP 5.5+


We are building the Nuzzle pet tracking collar. We need a fast, accurate way to test each of the sensors on our device during development and in a factory setting. Instead of hooking wires up to the device (easy during debug, more onerous in a factory), we want to use a special Bluetooth service to send out data. This automated suite can connect to the device automatically, read or write to characteristics and validate the responses.


We have a list of requirements we want to implement in our suite for our needs:


  • Separation of device defintion and test defintion(s)
  • Easy to create automated test files
  • Custom validation of output (Read a characteristic and decide if it 'passes' based on criteria of your choice, not just exact match)
  • OS agnostic - Tests run on Windows, Mac, Linux.
  • Easy operator testing - Little/no training required. Just run test and get pass/fail


  • Golden vs DUT testing - Read a value from a golden unit and compare to a DUT
  • Interactive prompts - Write to a characteristic and prompt users for Y/N if it passes (like turning on an LED)
  • Split tests based on validation type - Currently, all tests are run sequentially, pass or fail. Want to be able to split tests based on fail or if user input required.

Need updates in Nordic MCP to accomplish

  • Automated BT scan and connection. Want to be able to specify a BT device 'name' (or even more details like a advertising profile) and scan for any addresses reporting that name. Then, connect based on criteria (strongest RSSI, never connected before, etc)


Composer - Add To Your project

Run the following composer command in your project:

composer require alzander/bluetooth-fct:dev-master

Create Test Directory/Structure

  • Copy the /vendor/alzander/bluetooth-fct/bin/bluetooth-fct file (or whole directory) to where you'll create your test suite
  • Edit the bluetooth-fct file and update the autoload paths to point to your /vendor/autoload.php file
  • Create your tests, as below.

Running Tests

The bluetooth-fct php script starts and runs tests. It expects the following sub-directory structure: /fct /fct/devices - Device definition files /fct/suites - Test suites to run on devices /fct/validtor - Any custom validator files /fct/xmls - Generated XML test files from the suite files /fct/results - Results of the most recently performed test

NOTE: For the most up-to-date format of each file, see the examples in the /bin/fct directories

Device Files

Device files are created in JSON an define the Bluetooth profile the device should conform to. There are no testing details in this file.

  "name": "Example Board",
  "CCCD_UUID": "12345678-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb",
  "timeouts": {
  	"connect": 5000,
  	"discover_services": 10000,
  	"bond": 10000
  		"id": "temperature",
  		"name": "Temperature Sensor",
  		"UUID": "deadbeef-1212-efde-1523-785fef13d123",
  				"id": "value",
  				"UUID": "deadbeef-1212-efde-1234-785fef13d123",
  				"properties": {
  					"notify": "mandatory",
  					"read": "mandatory",
  					"write": "mandatory",
  					"write_without_response": "mandatory",
  					"signed_write": "mandatory"					}

Test Files

Test files specify the target devices to connect to and the tests that should be performed on each device.

  "description": "Read the temperature characteristic",
  "targets": [
      "id": "DUT1",
      "device": "example_device",
      "address": "E8:A2:E4:A5:25:20"
      "id": "DUT2",
      "device": "example_device",
      "address": "CC:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"

  "tests": [
      "description": "Read temperature",
      "target": "DUT1",
      "command": "",
      "service": "temperature",
      "characteristic": "value",
      "validation": {
        "type": "temperature",
        "min": "30",
        "max": "35"

Output Test File

This is the same format that can be fed directly into the MCP test.bat file or run directly (and validated with) the bluetooth-fct executable

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <target id="DUT1" name="Collar-Board" address="E8:A2:E4:A5:25:20"/>
 <target id="DUT2" name="Collar-Board" address="CC:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"/>
 <test target="DUT1" id="test_1">
  <connect timeout="5000"/>
  <sleep timeout="5000"/>
  <discover-services target="DUT1" timeout="10000"/>
  <read description="Read temp sensor" service-uuid="0000abcd-1212-efde-1523-785fef13d123" characteristic-uuid="0000beef-1212-efde-1523-785fef13d123">
   <assert-value description="AUTOMATED_TEST_1: " expected="SUCCESS_WARNING_ON_FAIL" value="AUTOTEST_TEST_1_FILLER"/>
 <run-test ref="test_1"/>


Generate the test XML files for the test defined in /fct/suites/test_name.json:

bluetooth-fct generateXMLs test_name

Generate the XML files and run the same test suite

bluetooth-fct run test_name

Example Output

When the 'run' command is issues, the following is an example output

Generating XML test scripts from read_temp
Running tests
List of devices attached
123456	device

Starting test 1
Removing old results file...
Uploading new test file...
Starting test service...
Waiting for test results...
Processed temp: 32C / 89.6F  <-- This is from our custom validator
Pass - Read temperature. Value = 48

Test Summary:
Total Tests: 3
Tests Passed: 3
Tests Failed: 0
|   | Name             | Result | Output |
| 1 | Read temperature | Pass   |        |
| 2 | Read temperature | Pass   |        |
| 3 | Read temperature | Pass   |        |

Issues and Feature Requests

This FCT tester is being solely developed for Nuzzle. Any bugs/issues reported will likely be fixed.

Any features requested that aren't required for our testing will likely not be considered for now. We have a mission and a goal.

If you develop a new feature or fix, we'll gladly evaluate any pull requests!