
Powerful client for Payment.Ninja REAST API

v1.0.6 2016-02-29 08:32 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 20:40:16 UTC


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Powerful client for Payment.Ninja REST API

Usage flow

  1. User inputs and submits data
  2. Merchant calls method card/getToken via JSONP or AJAX and receives a temporary token for 10 minutes
  3. Merchant submits credit card token to a server with other payment data
  4. Merchant calls method card/process with credit card token
  5. If success is true and ACS object is returned
    1. Merchant POSTs ACS parameters PaReq, MD, TermUrl to aACS url in a browser
    2. User inputs and submits his 3DSecure password
    3. ACS POSTs parameters PaRes, MD back to merchant's ACS return url
    4. Merchant calls method card/authenticate passing PaRes and MD parameters
    5. If success is true then merchant can provide a service to a user
  6. If success is true and ACS object is not returned, then merchant can show a success page to user
  7. If remember was passed, merchant will receive a permanentToken parameter with card/process or card/authenticate method responses. You can use permanentToken without requiring a user to input the credit card data again
  8. If recurring was passed, merchant will receive a recurring object, containing recurring frequency and ending date. Merchant can create new payments for a user calling the card/processRecurring method
  9. If verify_card was passed, then transaction price will be set to €1, that will be put on hold and then instantly returned
  10. verify_card can be effectively used with recurring, recurring_interval, recurring_trial or remember parameters as it checks the validity of a card via money hold/return
  11. Merchant receives asynchronous callback with transaction details and can provide aservice to a user if status is completed


For simplified usage all what you need is require packet via composer

    $ composer require alxmsl/paymentninjaclient

In third-party projects, require packet in your composer.json

    "alxmsl/paymentninjaclient": "*"

...and update composer: composer update


Firstly, create client instance with public and private key, that was provided in your account

    use alxmsl\PaymentNinja\Client;
    $Client = new Client('<public key>', '<private key>');

Now you can create request for REST API methods

  • user/resolve via Client::userResolve()
  • user/changeRecurring via Client::userChangeRecurring()
  • user/cancelRecurring via Client::userCancelRecurring()
  • card/getToken via Client::cardGetToken()
  • card/process via Client::cardProcess()
  • card/authenticate via Client::cardAuthenticate()
  • card/processRecurring via Client::cardProcessRecurring()

For request execution you should call Request::execute() method. For example below code

    use alxmsl\PaymentNinja\Client;
    $Client = new Client('pU811cKE4', 'Pr1v4tEKEy');
    $R = $Client->userResolve('', '', '')->execute();

...going to follow output

    class alxmsl\PaymentNinja\Response\UserResponse#8 (1) {
      private $id =>
      string(5) "46919"

Console usage

Surely, you can use simple CLI utilities for calling REST API methods

  • user/resolve via ./bin/user/resolve
  • user/changeRecurring via ./bin/user/changeRecurring
  • user/cancelRecurring via ./bin/user/cancelRecurring
  • card/getToken via ./bin/card/getToken
  • card/process via ./bin/card/process
  • card/authenticate via ./bin/card/authenticate
  • card/processRecurring via ./bin/card/processRecurring

So, user resolving example must be present as

    $ php ./bin/user/resolve.php -b='pU811cKE4' -r='Pr1v4tEKEy' -e='' -u='' -i=''
    user's data
        id: 46919

Each utility supports their quick help page

$ php bin/card/getToken.php --help
Using: /usr/local/bin/php bin/card/getToken.php [-h|--help] [-c|--callback] -m|--month -n|--number -b|--public -s|--security -y|--year
-h, --help  - show help
-c, --callback  - callback JSONP function name
-m, --month  - expiration month
-n, --number  - card number
-b, --public  - project public key
-s, --security  - card security code
-y, --year  - expiration year


For completely tests running just call phpunit command

    PHPUnit 4.7.7 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

    Runtime:	PHP 5.5.23 with Xdebug 2.3.2
    Configuration:	/Users/alxmsl/sources/PaymentNinjaClient.github/phpunit.xml.dist


    Time: 233 ms, Memory: 6.50Mb

    OK (17 tests, 90 assertions)


Copyright 2015 Alexey Maslov

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.