
0.0.26 2016-06-24 23:58 UTC



Official Documentation

Documentation for the package can be found on the LaraCrud website.


Install Package using composer:

composer require aluna/laracrud

Add to providers array in the config/app.php file the next entry:



Create a new model, edit recently created module and include:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use LaraCrud\LaraCrudModel;

class ExampleModel extends Model

	 * Model columns to be hidden on views
	 * @var array
	protected $hidden   = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];

	 * Laravel Mass Assigment protection
	 * @var array
	protected $fillable =  ['column1', 'column2'];

	 * LaraCrud Model trait
	use LaraCrudModel;



The controller must look like this


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\ExampleModel;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use LaraCrud\LaraCrudController;

class ExampleController extends Controller
	 * LaraCrud Controller Trait
	use LaraCrudController;
	 * This variable will store the Model related to this controller.
	 * @var Model
	protected $model;
	 * This is the base route that will be used with REST methods
	 * @type String
	protected $route = '/example';

	 * Name that will be displayed on form headers, session messages, pop up messages, etc.
	 * @type String
	protected $crudName = 'Example';

	 * If you want to overwrite the default views of the package
	 * @type String
	protected $views = 'vendor.laracrud';

     * The attributes that are available in index view.
     * @var array
    protected $displayable = [
        'column1', 'column2'
	 * Dispatch events on resource events
	 * @type array
    protected $events = [
    	'store' => [
			'class'  => 'App\Events\ExampleEvent',
			'params' => ['result', 'request:password']
	 * Let IoC Container to resolve Model and assing it to variable.
	 * @param  Model ExampleModel $example
	public function __construct(ExampleModel $example)
		$this->model = $example;

	 * Method called when post resource has been overwritten
	 * eg: encrypt password before storing
	 * @param  Illuminate\Http\Request Request $request
	 * @return Illuminate\Routing\Redirector|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
	public function modifyRequest(Request $request)
			'password'        => bcrypt($request->password)

        return $this->store($request);



The routes will be like this:

// Default Laravel Resource
Route::resource('/example', 'ExampleController');

// Overwrite resource REST method to modify request then calling REST method
Route::post('/example', 'ExampleController@modifyRequest');


If you want to overwrite or modify the default views, the fist thing is to publish the views into the resources folder:

php artisan vendor:publish

The views will be available in resources/vendor/laracrud, feel free to edit them as you please.


Thank you for considering contributing to the LaraCrud Package!


The LaraCrud package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license