
A PHP library for the AlsoAsked API

1.1.0 2023-09-06 18:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 22:17:30 UTC


AlsoAsked Logo

For more information, please visit

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "require": {
    "AlsoAsked/also-asked-php": "1.0.0"

Then run composer install


Create a client

You'll need to begin by creating a client for the API you wish to use, as well as specify the API key you wish to use.

We do this by first creating an HTTP client respecting the PSR-18 standard.

The \Http\Discovery\Psr18ClientDiscovery class will automatically discover an PSR-18 HTTP client from the installed composer packages, meaning you'll need an HTTP client installed which implements PSR-18 if you don't already.

A common HTTP client which does is Guzzle, we can install this by running composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^7.0.

The example below creates a client for the Live API by setting a base URI using the \Http\Client\Common\Plugin\BaseUriPlugin plugin. If you wish to use the Sandbox API, you can change the base URI from to

You'll need to change the API specified in the \AlsoAsked\Api\Authentication\ApiKeyAuthentication plugin from your-api-key to the API key you've created. If you don't have an API key, follow the authentication guide.


$httpClient = (new \Http\Client\Common\PluginClientBuilder())
    // add a base URI plugin to point to the live API URL
    ->addPlugin(new \Http\Client\Common\Plugin\BaseUriPlugin(
    // add an authentication plugin to add the API key header
    ->addPlugin(new \Jane\Component\OpenApiRuntime\Client\Plugin\AuthenticationRegistry([
        new \AlsoAsked\Api\Authentication\ApiKeyAuthentication('your-api-key'),
    // create the PSR-18 HTTP client

// create the API client with the PSR-18 HTTP client
$apiClient = \AlsoAsked\Api\Client::create($httpClient);

Fetch your account details

Use getAccount to fetch your account details, this calls the GET /v1/account API endpoint.

 * @var \AlsoAsked\Api\Model\Account
$account = $apiClient->getAccount();

echo 'Account ID: ' . $account->getId() . \PHP_EOL;
echo 'Name: ' . $account->getName() . \PHP_EOL;
echo 'Email: ' . $account->getEmail() . \PHP_EOL;
echo 'Plan Type: ' . $account->getPlanType() . \PHP_EOL;
echo 'Credits: ' . $account->getCredits() . \PHP_EOL;
echo 'Credits Reset At: ' . $account->getCreditsResetAt()->format(DateTimeInterface::ISO8601_EXPANDED) . \PHP_EOL;
echo 'Registered At: ' . $account->getRegisteredAt()->format(DateTimeInterface::ISO8601_EXPANDED) . \PHP_EOL;

// outputs:
// Account ID: 6G8QgoK9ar0E1pB7Rl0LN5mxljdAvBWb
// Name: Mantis Toboggan
// Email:
// Plan Type: pro
// Credits: 100
// Credits Reset At: +2023-09-14T01:19:27+00:00
// Registered At: +2022-03-23T17:54:19+00:00

Perform a search

Use performSearch to perform a search request, this calls the POST /v1/search API endpoint.

$request = (new \AlsoAsked\Api\Model\SearchRequestOptions())

 * @var \AlsoAsked\Api\Model\SearchRequestResults
$results = $apiClient->performSearch($request);

// ensure the search request was successful
if ($results->getStatus() !== 'success') {
    echo 'We expected the status to be "success", but encountered ' . $results->getStatus();


 * Recursively print a search result and it's children.
 * @param \AlsoAsked\Api\Model\SearchResult $result
 * @return void
function printResult(\AlsoAsked\Api\Model\SearchResult $result): void
    echo '- Question: ' . $result->getQuestion() . \PHP_EOL;

    foreach ($result->getResults() as $childResult) {

// print the queries and their results

foreach ($results->getQueries() as $query) {
    echo 'Term: ' . $query->getTerm() . \PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Results:' . \PHP_EOL;

    foreach ($query->getResults() as $result) {

// outputs:
// Term: cars
// Results:
// - Question: What are 10 best cars to buy?
// - Question: What are top 5 most reliable cars?
// - Question: What is the #1 most reliable car?
// - Question: Who is car 20 in Cars?
// - Question: Who owns Towbin Dodge now?
// - Question: What kind of car is Mater?
// ...


If you need more information, see the developer documentation, or get in touch with us at