
SabaCash payment gateway

1.1 2023-12-17 08:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 07:31:07 UTC



laravel package for SabaCash payment getway install the package composer require alsharie/sabacash-payment

You can publish using the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alsharie\SabaCashPayment\SabaCashServiceProvider"

When published, the config/sabaCash.php config file contains:

return [
    'auth' => [
        'username' => env('SABACASH_MERCHANT_USERNAME'),
        'password' => env('SABACASH_MERCHANT_PASSWORD'),
    'url' => [
        'base' => env('SABACASH_BASE_URL', ''),


    $sabaCash = new SabaCash();
    $response = $sabaCash->login();

    if ($response->isSuccess()) {

To purchase using SabaCash payment

1. Purchase

    $sabaCash = new SabaCash();
    $response = $sabaCash
        ->setNote('this is simple note')
        ->setSourceCode(/*phone number*/)

    if ($response->isSuccess()) {

2. Confirm purchase

    $sabaCash = new SabaCash();
    $response = $sabaCash
        ->setNote('تاكيد عملية الدفع')
    if ($response->isSuccess()) {
        return $response->getTransactionId();

3. Check Transaction Status

    $sabaCash = new SabaCash();
    $response = $sabaCash

    if ($response->isSuccess()) {
        return $response->getStatus();

you can get the full response body using $response->body() for all requests