
Floosak payment gateway

2.2.1 2024-01-30 11:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 07:07:11 UTC



laravel package for floosak payment getway

Floosak payment api after update to (p2mcl)

install the package composer require alsharie/floosak-payment

You can publish using the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alsharie\FloosakPayment\FloosakServiceProvider"

When published, the config/floosak.php config file contains:

return [
    'auth' => [
        'phone' => env('FLOOSAK_MERCHANT_PHONE'),
        'short_code' => env('FLOOSAK_MERCHANT_SHORT_CODE'),
        'wallet_id' => env('FLOOSAK_MERCHANT_WALLET_ID'),
        'key' => env('FLOOSAK_MERCHANT_KEY'),
    'url' => [
        'base' => env('FLOOSAK_BASE_URL', ''),

If you don't have the request_id and key you must do the following:

1. get request Id

 $floosak = new Floosak();
 $response = $floosak->requestKey();

 if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    $request_id = $response->getRequestId();

2. verify request Id

after getting the response YOU MUST store key,request_id in config/floosak.php or in your .env

$floosak = new Floosak();
$response = $floosak

if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    $key= $response->getKey();
    $wallet_id= $response->getWalletId();
    //todo:: store $key and $wallet_id
} else {

    return $response->body();

To purchase using Floosak payment

1. Purchase

 $floosak = new Floosak();
 $response = $floosak
     ->setRequestId(/*ref_id*/) // random number you generate most 

 if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    $purchase_id = $response->getPurchaseId();

2. Confirm purchase

 $floosak = new Floosak();
 $response = $floosak
      ->setPurchaseId(/*purchase_id*/) // you get it from the response of the above request `purchase()`
 if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    $tran_id = $response->getTransactionId();


 $floosak = new Floosak();
 $response = $floosak
     ->setRequestId(/*ref_id*/) // the random number you generated  
     ->setAmount(/*amount*/) // amount to refund

 if ($response->isSuccess()) {
     return $response->getBalance();

you can get the full response body using $response->body() for all requests