
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP client for GOV.UK Pay

v1.0.0 2016-12-04 20:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-10-06 04:51:44 UTC


PHP client for the GOV.UK Pay API

As of September 2021, this repository is no longer actively maintained by the GOV.UK Pay team.


The Pay PHP Client is based on a PSR-7 HTTP model. You therefore need to pick your preferred HTTP Client library to use.

We will show examples here using the Guzzle v6 Adapter.


The Pay PHP Client can be installed with Composer. Run this command:

composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter alphagov/pay-integration-php


Assuming you've installed the package via Composer, the Pay PHP Client will be available via the autoloader.

Create a (Guzzle v6 based) instance of the Client using:

$client = new \Alphagov\Pay\Client([
    'apiKey'        => '{your api key}',
    'httpClient'    => new \Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client

You are then able to access the Pay API using $client.

If you need to access an environment other than production, you can pass the base URL in via the baseUrl key in the constructor:

'baseUrl' => '{api base url}'

Create a Payment

The method signature is:

createPayment( $amount, $reference, $description, UriInterface $returnUrl )


  • $amount A required int holding the payment amount, in pence, in British Pounds (GBP).
  • $reference A required string holding an application side payment reference.
  • $description A required string a description of the payment.
  • $returnUrl A required Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface with the URL the user will be directed back to.

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->createPayment(
        10 * 100, // £10
        'Payment for x, y and z.',
        new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri('')

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Payment, which is documented here.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Lookup a Payment

The method signature is:

getPayment( $payment )


  • $payment is a required string holding the (Pay generated) payment id.

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->getPayment( 'hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93' );

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Payment, which is documented here; or null if the payment was not found.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Cancel a Payment

The method signature is:

cancelPayment( $payment )
  • $payment is a required string holding the (Pay generated) payment id.

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->cancelPayment( 'hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93' );

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be bool true if the payment was cancelled. Otherwise an instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Refund a Payment

The method signature is:

refundPayment( $payment, $amount, $refundAmountAvailable = null )
  • $payment is a required string holding the (Pay generated) payment id.
  • $amount A required int holding the amount to be refunded, in pence, in British Pounds (GBP).
  • $refundAmountAvailable An optional int holding the expected amount available for refund, in pence, in British Pounds (GBP).

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->refundPayment( 
        10 * 100, // £10
        50 * 100  // £50

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Refund, which is documented here.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Lookup all Refunds for a Payment

The method signature is:

getPaymentRefunds( $payment )


  • $payment is a required string holding the (Pay generated) payment id.

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->getPaymentRefunds( 'hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93' );

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Refunds, which will contain an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Refund (docs) for each refund processed.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Lookup a single Refund for a Payment

The method signature is:

getPaymentRefund( $payment, $refund )


  • $payment is a required string holding the (Pay generated) payment id.
  • $refund is a required string holding the (Pay generated) refund id.

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->getPaymentRefunds( 

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Refund (docs), or NULL if the refund is not found.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Lookup all Events for a Payment

The method signature is:

getPaymentEvents( $payment )


  • $payment is a required string holding the (Pay generated) payment id.

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->getPaymentEvents( 'hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93' );

} catch (PayException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Events, which will contain an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Event (docs) for each event.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.

Search Payments

The method signature is:

searchPayments( array $filters = array() )


  • $filters An optional array which applies filters to the request. Zero or more filters can be used. Supported filtered:
    • reference string
    • state string
    • page string
    • display_size string
    • from_date DateTime
    • to_date DateTime

Full filter details can be found here:

An example request would look like:

try {

    $response = $client->searchPayments([
    	'from_date' => new \DateTime('2015-08-14T12:35:00Z'),
        'page' => '2',
        'display_size' => '50'

} catch (NotifyException $e){}

$response will be an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Payments, which will contain an instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Payment (docs) for each payment found.

An instance (or sub-class) of Alphagov\Pay\Exception\PayException will be thrown if a Pay error occurs.


All Response objects except Event have a getResponse() which returns a class implementing Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, containing the original API response.


An instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Payment, which contains the decoded JSON response from the Pay API, representing a single payment.

A full list of returned properties can be found here:

Properties can be accessed directly using the -> operator. For example:

// etc...

If available, the payment page URL to direct the user to is accessible via:


This returns either:

  • an instance of Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface represening the URL; or
  • null if the URL is unavailable (for example, if the payment is complete).

Payment also includes methods for checking the state of the payment:

The payment is finished. i.e. the user can no longer interact with the payment page.


The payment is successful.


All other standard Pay states can also be checked via:



An instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Refund, which contains the decoded JSON response from the Pay API, representing a single refund.

A full list of returned properties can be found here:

Properties can be accessed directly using the -> operator. For example:

// etc...


An instance of Alphagov\Pay\Response\Event, which contains the decoded JSON response from the Pay API, representing a single event.

A full list of returned properties can be found here:

Properties can be accessed directly using the -> operator. For example:

// etc...

Payments, Refunds & Events

All three of these responses represent collections of their respective response type. They all extend PHP’s ArrayObject, thus can be treated as an array.

Both Refunds & Events also support the addition $response->payment_id property, containing the payment ID to which they relate.


The Pay PHP Client is released under the MIT license, a copy of which can be found in LICENSE.