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A PHP client for Keycloak REST API

v1.0.8 2020-01-09 11:16 UTC


This package provides a PHP wrapper for Keycloak REST API.


Run this command to integrate the Keycloak REST API client to your existing project:
composer require alma-medical/keycloak-client

How to use it

First of all we need to configure a oauth2 provider for authenticating against Keycloak. For that purpose we use the stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak package, a league/oauth2-client Keycloak provider. This is an example of how to do that:

use Stevenmaguire\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Keycloak as KeycloakProvider;

$provider = new KeycloakProvider([
    'authServerUrl' => '',
    'clientId' => 'myClientId',
    'clientSecret' => 'myCleintSecret',
    'realm' => 'myRealm',

Once we have our provider instance we need to create an API client:

use AlmaMedical\KeycloakClient\Keycloak;

$client = new Keycloak($provider);

Now we can call any api method with callMedthod() function:

$response = $client->callMethod('users');

To make easier the parse of the responses, some methods have been implemented:

Get users

This method gets all the users:

use AlmaMedical\KeycloakClient\Method\GetUsers;

$getUsers = new GetUsers($client);
$users = $getUsers->call();

Get user

This method get a user

use AlmaMedical\KeycloakClient\Method\GetUser;

$getUsers = new GetUser($client, 'user_id');
$user = $getUsers->call();


You can use a Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface to cache Keycloak tokens. To use it simply set your CacheItemPoolInterface and the client will package will use it:

use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

$client->setCachePool(new FilesystemAdapter());

Running tests

To run the tests run the following command: