
Query mechanism for Doctrine inspired by Django's QuerySet

v1.1.0 2016-06-15 14:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 17:37:01 UTC


Provides a simplified interface for building queries with Doctrine.

Sample usage

/** @var \QueryMap\Bundle\QueryMapBundle\Service\QueryMapFactoryService $qmFactory */
$qmFactory = $this->container->get('querymap.factory');

$qm = $qmFactory->create(Team::class, 't');

/** @var $query \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder */
$query = $qm->query([
    'points__gt' => '6',
    'continent' => 'Europe'

echo $query->getDQL();
//SELECT t FROM FootballBundle\Entity\Team t
//WHERE (t.points >= 6) AND (t.continent = 'Europe')


Edit your composer.json to include the package into your project, and run composer update alm/querymap

require {
    "alm/querymap": "v1.1.*"

To your $bundles array in AppKernel.php include the QueryMap bundle and provide to its constructor.

$bundles = [
    new QueryMap\Bundle\QueryMapBundle\QueryMapBundle($this),

Next, to your config.yml file you should specify paths for your mapping yml files - if you use this feature - as such:

        - '@FooBundle/Resources/querymap'
        - '@BarBundle/Resources/querymap'

For the entities you wish to filter using QueryMap, add the @QM\Map annotation in the Entity header.

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use QueryMap\Contrib\Annotation\DoctrineAnnotationMapping as QM;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=\MyBundle\Repository\TeamRepository)
 * ...
 * @QM\Map

You will now be able to filter by all properties of that entity which are defined as @ORM\Column, @ORM\ManyToOne or @ORM\OneToOne.