
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This is Symfony 3.3+ P24 Bundle.

Installs: 1 777

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 2


v1.2.0 2021-10-07 10:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-04-12 03:24:04 UTC


This is superb easy to use Przelewy24 Bundle with bulit-in Symfony Events.


composer require allset/przelewy24-bundle

and then update your AppKernel.php:

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
// ...
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
		// ...
            new Allset\Przelewy24Bundle\AllsetPrzelewy24Bundle(),
		// ...

Than add to your routing.yml file:

    resource: "@AllsetPrzelewy24Bundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"

If you want to have access to Test Tools add this to routing_dev.yml:

    resource: "@AllsetPrzelewy24Bundle/Resources/config/routing_dev.xml"


Symfony 3.3++ (becouse bundle is using Symfony Service Autowire)
Guzzle ^6.3 (already included in composer.json)


Add to your config folowing lines:

    sandbox: true #or false
    merchant_id: <your-merchant-id>
    crc_key: <your-crc>


1. Create your super-custom action

In your controller.

// ...

use Allset\Przelewy24Bundle\Factory\ProcessFactory;
use Allset\Przelewy24Bundle\Model\Payment;

// ...

class AppController extends Controller
    // ...
    public function processAction(ProcessFactory $processFactory)
	    $order = // ... - You are creating your order here  
        $payment = new Payment();
            ->setSessionId($order->geToken()) //VERY IMPORTANT some unique id from your order in your db
            ->setReturnUrl($this->generateUrl('return', [], 0)); // use following syntax to genreate absolute url

        $url = $processFactory->createAndGetUrl();

        return $this->redirect($url);
    // ...
2. Register Payment Success Event Listener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: przelewy24.event.payment_success }
3. Do what only you want with your succesed payment
namespace AppBundle\EventListener\Przelewy24;

use Allset\Przelewy24Bundle\Event\PaymentEventInterfce;

class PaymentSuccessListener
    // ..
    public function onPrzelewy24EventPaymentSuccess(PaymentEventInterfce $event)
        $token = $event->getPayment()->getSessionId();

	// ..


Developer Tools

Testing connection

To access tests you have to add @AllsetPrzelewy24Bundle/Resources/config/routing_dev.xml to your rounting_dev.yml file. (check out Instaltion chapter).

After that you have access to allset_przelewy24_test route or simpler go to /p24-test path and checkout the results.

Simulating Payment Success

Due to Przelewy24 native API you are unable to get success response on your localhost, but you can simulate it with Simulating Payment Success Tool.

To access simulating you have to add @AllsetPrzelewy24Bundle/Resources/config/routing_dev.xml to your rounting_dev.yml file. (check out Instaltion chapter).

After that you can simply go to /p24-fake-success/{sessionId} path or redirect to route allset_przelewy24_fake_success to make bundle to trigger przelewy24.event.payment_success event.