
Package for tools building your telegram bot

2.0.0 2023-09-14 09:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 11:57:59 UTC


Laravel Telegram Tools

داکیومنت فارسی

About Package

This package is in its test version, it may have problems!

This package is made so that people who build Telegram bots can easily and quickly code their bots.

This package was developed and designed by Ali Shahmohammadi.


  • guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.*
  • illuminate/support ~5.8.0|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0|^10.0
  • php >= 7.4

Installation ✨

To install and receive the package in your Laravel project, execute the following command in the terminal of your project path.

$ composer require aliw1382/telegram-tools

Add Providers

Open the file config/app.php and add the following values to it.


'providers' => [

    // ......
    // ......



'aliases' => [

    // ......
    'Telegram' => Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Facades\Telegram::class,
    // ......


Publish Config

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config-telegram-tools

Then the file config/telegram.php is created.

'telegram-bot-api' => [

    'token' => env( 'TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN' )

.Env File

Add this .env file and put the token received from Bot Father here.



  • The first method
telegram()->sendMessage( [

    'chat_id' => 'YOUR CHAT ID',
    'text'    => 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT'
    // ....

] );

telegram( 'Your Other Token Bot' )->sendMessage( [

    'chat_id' => 'YOUR CHAT ID',
    'text'    => 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT'
    // ....

] );

If you use telegram() we use your .env token bot.

  • The second method
telegram()->sendMessage()->to( 'YOUR CHAT ID' )->content( 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT' )->send();

telegram( 'Your Other Token Bot' )->sendMessage()->to( 'YOUR CHAT ID' )->content( 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT' )->send();

For Example For SendMessage With Keyboard And Parse Mode:

// Keyboard
telegram()->sendMessage()->to( 'YOUR CHAT ID' )->content( 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT' )->parseMode( 'html' )->button( 'Button 1' )->button( 'Button 2' )->send();

// Inline Keyboard
telegram()->sendMessage()->to( 'YOUR CHAT ID' )->content( 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT' )->parseMode( 'MarkdownV2' )->button( 'Google' , '' )->buttonWithCallback( 'Button 1' , 'Your Callback Data' )->send();
  • The third method
\Telegram::sendMessage( 'YOUR CHAT ID', 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT' );


use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Facades\Telegram;

Telegram::sendMessage( 'YOUR CHAT ID', 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT' );

For Example For SendMessage With Keyboard And Parse Mode:

use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Facades\Telegram;

Telegram::sendMessage( 'YOUR CHAT ID', 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT', Telegram::buildKeyBoard( [
        Telegram::buildKeyboardButton( 'Button 1' ),
        Telegram::buildKeyboardButton( 'Button 2' , true ), // for request contact
] ) , 'html' );

Telegram::sendMessage( 'YOUR CHAT ID', 'YOUR CONTENT TEXT', Telegram::buildInlineKeyBoard( [
        Telegram::buildInlineKeyboardButton( 'Google' ,''),
        Telegram::buildInlineKeyboardButton( 'Button 1' , '','Your CALLBACK DATA' ),
        // or
        Telegram::buildInlineKeyboardButton( text: 'Button 2' ,callback_data: 'Your CALLBACK DATA' ),
] ) , 'html' );

✨ I hope you enjoy this package ✨

Source Code Programming

This feature is activated in version 2.0.0 !

Okay, now it's time to handle the /start command in the robot.

First you need to create a class to code your bot. You can use the following command to create a class for the messages that are sent to the bot.

$ php artisan telegram:command StartMessage --type=Message

After you create your command, you need to introduce it to the program, so for this, enter the file config/telegram.php and add the address of the created class to it.

'commands' => [
    // Commands Class


This class instance is made to handle the bot /start message and respond to it.


namespace App\Telegram;

use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Attribute\TelegramAttribute;
use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Contracts\Abstract\AbstractTelegramMessage;
use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Vendor\TelegramUpdate;

class StartMessage extends AbstractTelegramMessage

    #[TelegramAttribute( '/start' )]
    public function myMethod( TelegramUpdate $update )

        telegram()->sendMessage( [

            'chat_id' => $update->ChatID(),
            'text'    => 'Hello Welcome To Bot!'

        ] );



For example, if you want to handle an unknown word, you can use * instead.

for example: We want to handle the word /help, but the user might send it /hel


namespace App\Telegram;

use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Attribute\TelegramAttribute;
use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Contracts\Abstract\AbstractTelegramMessage;
use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Vendor\TelegramUpdate;

class StartMessage extends AbstractTelegramMessage

    #[TelegramAttribute( '/hel*' )]
    public function myMethod( TelegramUpdate $update )

        telegram()->sendMessage( [

            'chat_id' => $update->ChatID(),
            'text'    => 'Help Message ...'

        ] );



An example for Callback Query

$ php artisan telegram:command CallBackQueryHandler --type=CallbackQuery

add new class to config/telegram.php


namespace App\Telegram;

use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Attribute\TelegramAttribute;
use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Contracts\Abstract\AbstractTelegramCallbackQuery;
use Aliw1382\TelegramTools\Vendor\TelegramUpdate;

class CallBackQueryHandler extends AbstractTelegramCallbackQuery

    #[TelegramAttribute( 'mention-*' )]
    public function exampleMethod( TelegramUpdate $update )

        telegram()->editMessageText( [
            'chat_id'    => $update->ChatID(),
            'message_id' => $update->MessageID(),
            'text'       => 'You Mention The User <a href="tg://user=' . $update->CallbackDataArray()[ 1 ] . '">' . $update->CallbackDataArray()[ 1 ] . '</a>'
        ] );



if we send data mention-123456 so we mentioned the user 123456


Please see History for more information on what has been changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.