
A Laravel package to add comments to any model

0.0.2 2022-10-10 19:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 20:29:14 UTC


A Laravel package to add comments to any model

Stable Version License PHP Version Require



  1. Install the composer package:
composer require alfonsobries/laravel-commentable
  1. Publish the database migration
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alfonsobries\LaravelCommentable\LaravelCommentableServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
  1. Optionally publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alfonsobries\LaravelCommentable\LaravelCommentableServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  1. Configure the model that is going to receive the comments with the CommentableInterface contract and add the Commentable trait.

namespace App\Models;

use Alfonsobries\LaravelCommentable\Contracts\CommentableInterface;
use Alfonsobries\LaravelCommentable\Traits\Commentable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class BlogPost extends Model implements CommentableInterface
    use Commentable;
    // ...
  1. Add the CanCommentInterface contract and the CanComment trait to the model that is going to add the comment (usually the User Model). Since you can add anonymous comments this is only necessary if you want to accept User comments.

namespace App\Models;

use Alfonsobries\LaravelCommentable\Contracts\CanCommentInterface;
use Alfonsobries\LaravelCommentable\Traits\CanComment;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model implements CanCommentInterface
    use CanComment;
    // ...

Add comments

  1. Use the addComment method to add an anonymous comment
$blogPost = BlogPost::first();

$comment = $blogPost->addComment('my comment');
  1. Use the addCommentFrom method to add a comment from a User (or the model that implements the CanCommentInterface contract)
$user = User::first();
$blogPost = BlogPost::first();

$comment = $blogPost->addCommentFrom($user, 'my comment');
  1. You can also comment with the User model (or the model that implements the CanCommentInterface contract) by using the comment method.
$user = User::first();
$blogPost = BlogPost::first();

$comment = $user->comment($blogPost, 'my comment');

Add replies to comments

  1. The Comment method is another commentable instance, meaning you can use the addComment or addCommentFrom method to add a reply.

  2. You can also use the reply and replyFrom methods that are just an alias for the comment methods above.

$user = User::create([...]);
$user2 = User::create([...]);
$blogPost = BlogPost::first();

$comment = $blogPost->commentFrom($user, 'my comment');
$comment->replyFrom($user2, 'a reply');
  1. Use the addCommentFrom method to add a comment from the User (or the model that implements the CanCommentInterface contract)
$user = User::first();
$blogPost = BlogPost::first();

$comment = $blogPost->addCommentFrom($user, 'my comment');
  1. You can also comment with the User model (or the model that implements the CanCommentInterface contract) by using the comment method.
$user = User::first();
$blogPost = BlogPost::first();

$comment = $user->comment($blogPost, 'my comment');

Get comments

  1. You can get all the user comments with the comments method
$comments = User::first()->comments();
  1. You can get all the comments associated with the commentable model with the comments method
$comments = BlogPost::first()->comments();

Sort comments

Sort the comments by popularity (average positive likes) by using the popular and unpopular scope methods.

$popularComments = BlogPost::first()->comments()->popular()->get();

$unpopularComments = BlogPost::first()->comments()->unpopular()->get();

Update comments

Since the Comment object is just a regular Eloquent Model you can use any of the different ways to update the models.

$comment->update(['comment' => 'updated comment']);

Approving comments

By default, all the new comments are unapproved (approved_at=null), meaning that you need to approve them manually based on your specific needs (you can add an event listener based on the the events listed below to do that). If you don't need to handle approved and unapproved comments, you can simply ignore the filter when querying the comments.


You can filter the approved or not approved comments with the approved and notApproved methods.



The Comment model fires the following events that you can listen:

  • CommentCreated
  • CommentCreating
  • CommentUpdated
  • CommentUpdating
  • CommentDeleted
  • CommentDeleting
  • CommentSaved
  • CommentSaving


Analyze the code with phpstan

composer analyse

Refactor the code with php rector

composer refactor

Format the code with php-cs-fixer

composer format

Run tests

composer test


If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please write trough the contact form. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


MIT © Alfonso Bribiesca