
A Laravel package for seamless integration with the MetaTrader 5 web API, enabling account management, trading operations, and more.

v1.0.2 2025-03-10 07:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 07:48:26 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads License: MIT

A powerful Laravel package for seamless integration with the MetaTrader 5 Web API. This package enables brokers and financial applications to connect with MT5 servers and perform various operations including account management, trading operations, and market data retrieval.

📋 Features

  • Server Connection Management: Establish secure connections to MT5 servers
  • User Management: Create, update, and manage trading accounts
  • Trading Operations: Execute trades, manage orders and positions
  • Market Data: Access real-time quotes, ticks, and symbol information
  • Group Management: Create and manage user groups
  • Symbol Configuration: Configure trading instruments
  • Communication Tools: Send emails and news to platform users
  • Comprehensive Logging: Detailed logging for debugging and auditing

🚀 Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require aleedhillon/meta-trader-client

The package will automatically register its service provider and facade.

⚙️ Configuration

Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="meta-trader-client.config"

This will create a config/meta-trader-client.php file with the following content:


return [
    'ip' => env('MT5_SERVER_IP'),
    'port' => env('MT5_SERVER_PORT', 443),
    'login' => env('MT5_SERVER_WEB_LOGIN'),
    'password' => env('MT5_SERVER_WEB_PASSWORD'),
    'timeout' => env('MT5_SERVER_TIMEOUT', 30),

Add the following environment variables to your .env file:


📖 Usage

Basic Connection

use Aleedhillon\MetaTraderClient\Facades\MetaTraderClient;

// Connect to the MT5 server
$result = MetaTraderClient::connect();

// Check if connected
if (MetaTraderClient::isConnected()) {
    // Perform operations

// Disconnect when done

User Management

// Create a new user
$user = MetaTraderClient::UserCreate();
$user->Name = 'John Doe';
$user->Email = '';
$user->Group = 'demo';
$user->Leverage = 100;
$user->MainPassword = 'password123';
$user->Phone = '+1234567890';

$newUser = null;
$result = MetaTraderClient::UserAdd($user, $newUser);

// Get user information
$userInfo = null;
MetaTraderClient::UserGet(123456, $userInfo);

// Update user
$userInfo->Leverage = 200;
$updatedUser = null;
MetaTraderClient::UserUpdate($userInfo, $updatedUser);

// Delete user

// Check user password
$result = MetaTraderClient::UserPasswordCheck(123456, 'password123');

// Change user password
MetaTraderClient::UserPasswordChange(123456, 'newpassword123');

// Get user account information
$account = null;
MetaTraderClient::UserAccountGet(123456, $account);

Trading Operations

// Get order information
$order = null;
MetaTraderClient::OrderGet(987654, $order);

// Get all user orders
$total = 0;
MetaTraderClient::OrderGetTotal(123456, $total);

// Get orders by page
$orders = [];
MetaTraderClient::OrderGetPage(123456, 0, 10, $orders);

// Get position
$position = null;
MetaTraderClient::PositionGet(123456, 'EURUSD', $position);

// Get all positions
$positions = [];
MetaTraderClient::PositionGetPage(123456, 0, 10, $positions);

// Get deal information
$deal = null;
MetaTraderClient::DealGet(789012, $deal);

// Get deals by page
$deals = [];
MetaTraderClient::DealGetPage(123456, strtotime('-1 week'), time(), 0, 10, $deals);

// Change user balance
use Aleedhillon\MetaTraderClient\Lib\MTEnDealAction;

$ticket = null;
    123456,                      // User login
    MTEnDealAction::DEAL_BALANCE, // Operation type
    1000.00,                     // Amount
    'Deposit via API',           // Comment
    $ticket,                     // Ticket (output)
    true                         // Margin check

Market Data

// Get symbol information
$symbol = null;
MetaTraderClient::SymbolGet('EURUSD', $symbol);

// Get last ticks
$ticks = [];
MetaTraderClient::TickLast('EURUSD', $ticks);

// Get tick statistics
$tickStats = [];
MetaTraderClient::TickStat('EURUSD', $tickStats);

Group Management

// Create a new group
$group = MetaTraderClient::GroupCreate();
$group->Group = 'new_demo';
// Set group properties...

$newGroup = null;
MetaTraderClient::GroupAdd($group, $newGroup);

// Get group information
$groupInfo = null;
MetaTraderClient::GroupGet('demo', $groupInfo);

// Delete group

Symbol Management

// Create a new symbol
$symbol = MetaTraderClient::SymbolCreate();
$symbol->Symbol = 'CUSTOM';
// Set symbol properties...

$newSymbol = null;
MetaTraderClient::SymbolAdd($symbol, $newSymbol);

// Get symbol information
$symbolInfo = null;
MetaTraderClient::SymbolGet('EURUSD', $symbolInfo);

// Delete symbol


// Send email to user
    '123456',                // User login
    'Important Notification', // Subject
    'This is an important message.' // Body (can be HTML)

// Send news
    'Market Update',         // Subject
    'General',               // Category
    'en',                    // Language
    1,                       // Priority
    'Important market update information.' // Body (can be HTML)

Server Management

// Get server time
$time = null;

// Get server time as Unix timestamp
$timestamp = MetaTraderClient::TimeServer();

// Get common information
$common = null;

// Ping server
$result = MetaTraderClient::Ping();

// Restart server (requires appropriate permissions)


// Enable/disable logging

// Set log file path

// Set log file prefix

// Enable/disable debug logging

Custom Commands

// Send custom command to MT5 server
$params = ['param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2'];
$body = 'Request body';
$answer = [];
$answerBody = '';

MetaTraderClient::CustomSend($command, $params, $body, $answer, $answerBody);

🔄 Return Codes

Most methods return an MTRetCode value indicating the success or failure of the operation. You can check these codes against the constants defined in the MTRetCode class:

use Aleedhillon\MetaTraderClient\Lib\MTRetCode;

$result = MetaTraderClient::connect();

if ($result === MTRetCode::MT_RET_OK) {
    // Operation successful
} else {
    // Handle error
    echo "Error code: $result";

🛠️ Advanced Usage

Direct Instantiation

While the facade is convenient for most use cases, you can also instantiate the client directly for more control:

use Aleedhillon\MetaTraderClient\MetaTraderClient;

$client = new MetaTraderClient(
    'CustomAgent',           // Agent name
    '/path/to/logs',         // Log file path
    true,                    // Use encryption
    '',           // Custom IP
    8443,                    // Custom port
    60,                      // Custom timeout
    'manager',               // Custom login
    'password123'            // Custom password


📚 API Documentation

For a complete list of available methods and their parameters, please refer to the MetaTrader 5 Web API Documentation.

🔒 Security

If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

📄 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information.

👨‍💻 Credits