
Laravel Package to use a Correlation ID Middleware

v1.0.4 2019-12-05 09:34 UTC


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Laravel Correlation ID Middleware

Supports L5.5+

This package offers you a way of adding a correlation id output on Laravel Logger based on a sent Header. Inspired by this repo it has:

  • all the functionality to set macros on a Request and Push a Monolog Processor
  • adds a configuration file to override settings
  • adds proper tests
  • enables usage for recent Laravel versions (5.5+)


Add Service provider

Open your config/app.php and insert the following in providers key:


Run Publish command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ajaaleixo\Middleware\CorrelationId\CorrelationIdServiceProvider"

Edit your settings

Open config/correlationid.php.