
Client service for Debit Cards API. Made for Fayrix.

dev-master 2023-08-20 20:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 21:38:45 UTC


Debit Card API for Fayrix.



method route desc
[GET] /cards/:id get the card info
[GET] /cards/:id/balance gets the balance of the card
[GET] /cards/:id/pin gets the pin code of the card
[GET] /cards/:id/history get a list of transaction history, expects a timeframe (end & start dates)
[POST] /cards/create creates a new debit card
[POST] /cards/:id/deactivate deactivates a card
[POST] /cards/:id/activate activates a card
[POST] /cards/:id/update updates the card info
[POST] /cards/:id/updatePin updates the pin of the card
[POST] /cards/:id/load loads card with a balance, expects to get the amount to load as a parameter


method route desc
[GET] /countries a list of the available countries
[GET] /countries/:id get a specific country

API-client services

  • CardService's methods:

    • get(int $cardId): CardDTO
    • balance(int $cardId): float|null
    • pin(int $cardId): int|null
    • history(int $cardId, DateTime $startDate, DateTime $endDate)
    • create(CardDTO $cardData): CardDTO|null
    • activate(int $cardId)
    • deactivate(int $cardId)
    • update(int $cardId, CardDTO $cardData)
    • updatePin(int $cardId, int $cardPin)
    • load(int $cardId, int $amount)
  • CountryService's methods:

    • __invoke(): CountryDTO[]
    • get(int $countryId): CountryDTO|null


Add a package via composer:

composer require aidbull/dc-api

Register service provider (to set config):

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider="DebitCardsAPI\DebitCardsAPIServiceProvider"