
DigitalOcean Spaces component for Yii2

Installs: 92

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 0

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2020-01-09 04:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 14:12:04 UTC


DigitalOcean Spaces component for Yii2. Based on frostealth/yii2-aws-s3.



  1. Run the Composer command to install the latest version:

    composer require agsachdev/yii2-digitalocean-spaces
  2. Add the component to config:

    'components' => [
        // ...
        'storage' => [
            'class' => 'agsachdev\spaces\Service',
            'credentials' => [
                'key' => 'my-key',
                'secret' => 'my-secret',
            'region' => 'nyc3', // currently available: nyc3, ams3, sgp1, sfo2
            'defaultSpace' => 'my-space',
            'defaultAcl' => 'public-read',
        // ...

Basic usage

Usage of the command factory and additional params

/** @var \agsachdev\spaces\Service $storage */
$storage = Yii::$app->get('storage');

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $storage->commands()->get('filename.ext')->saveAs('/path/to/local/file.ext')->execute();

$result = $storage->commands()->put('filename.ext', 'body')->withContentType('text/plain')->execute();

$result = $storage->commands()->delete('filename.ext')->execute();

$result = $storage->commands()->upload('filename.ext', '/path/to/local/file.ext')->withAcl('private')->execute();

$result = $storage->commands()->restore('filename.ext', $days = 7)->execute();

$result = $storage->commands()->list('path/')->execute();

/** @var bool $exist */
$exist = $storage->commands()->exist('filename.ext')->execute();

/** @var string $url */
$url = $storage->commands()->getUrl('filename.ext')->execute();

/** @var string $signedUrl */
$signedUrl = $storage->commands()->getPresignedUrl('filename.ext', '+2 days')->execute();

Short syntax

/** @var \agsachdev\spaces\Service $storage */
$storage = Yii::$app->get('storage');

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $storage->get('filename.ext');

$result = $storage->put('filename.ext', 'body');

$result = $storage->delete('filename.ext');

$result = $storage->upload('filename.ext', '/path/to/local/file.ext');

$result = $storage->restore('filename.ext', $days = 7);

$result = $storage->list('path/');

/** @var bool $exist */
$exist = $storage->exist('filename.ext');

/** @var string $url */
$url = $storage->getUrl('filename.ext');

/** @var string $signedUrl */
$signedUrl = $storage->getPresignedUrl('filename.ext', '+2 days');

Asynchronous execution

/** @var \agsachdev\spaces\Service $storage */
$storage = Yii::$app->get('storage');

/** @var \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise */
$promise = $storage->commands()->get('filename.ext')->async()->execute();

$promise = $storage->commands()->put('filename.ext', 'body')->async()->execute();

$promise = $storage->commands()->delete('filename.ext')->async()->execute();

$promise = $storage->commands()->upload('filename.ext', 'source')->async()->execute();

$promise = $storage->commands()->list('path/')->async()->execute();

Advanced usage

/** @var \agsachdev\spaces\interfaces\Service $storage */
$storage = Yii::$app->get('storage');

/** @var \frostealth\yii2\aws\s3\commands\GetCommand $command */
$command = $storage->create(GetCommand::class);

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $storage->execute($command);

// or async
/** @var \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise */
$promise = $storage->execute($command->async());

Custom commands

Commands have two types: plain commands that's handled by the PlainCommandHandler and commands with their own handlers. The plain commands wrap the native AWS S3 commands.

The plain commands must implement the PlainCommand interface and the rest must implement the Command interface. If the command doesn't implement the PlainCommand interface, it must have its own handler.

Every handler must extend the Handler class or implement the Handler interface. Handlers gets the S3Client instance into its constructor.

The implementation of the HasSpace and HasAcl interfaces allows the command builder to set the values of space and acl by default.

To make the plain commands asynchronously, you have to implement the Asynchronous interface. Also, you can use the Async trait to implement this interface.

Consider the following command:


namespace app\components\s3\commands;

use agsachdev\spaces\base\commands\traits\Options;
use agsachdev\spaces\interfaces\commands\Command;
use agsachdev\spaces\interfaces\commands\HasSpace;

class MyCommand implements Command, HasSpace
    use Options;

    protected $space;

    protected $something;

    public function getSpace()
        return $this->space;

    public function inSpace(string $space)
        $this->space = $space;

        return $this;

    public function getSomething()
        return $this->something;

    public function withSomething(string $something)
        $this->something = $something;

        return $this;

The handler for this command looks like this:


namespace app\components\s3\handlers;

use app\components\s3\commands\MyCommand;
use frostealth\yii2\aws\s3\base\handlers\Handler;

class MyCommandHandler extends Handler
    public function handle(MyCommand $command)
        return $this->s3Client->someAction(

And usage this command:

/** @var \agsachdev\spaces\interfaces\Service */
$storage = Yii::$app->get('storage');

/** @var \app\components\s3\commands\MyCommand $command */
$command = $storage->create(MyCommand::class);
$command->withSomething('some value')->withOption('OptionName', 'value');

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $storage->execute($command);

Custom plain command looks like this:


namespace app\components\s3\commands;

use agsachdev\spaces\interfaces\commands\HasSpace;
use agsachdev\spaces\interfaces\commands\PlainCommand;

class MyPlainCommand implements PlainCommand, HasSpace
    protected $args = [];

    public function getSpace()
        return $this->args['Bucket'] ?? '';

    public function inSpace(string $space)
        $this->args['Bucket'] = $space;

        return $this;

    public function getSomething()
        return $this->args['something'] ?? '';

    public function withSomething($something)
        $this->args['something'] = $something;

        return $this;

    public function getName(): string
        return 'SpaceCommandName';

    public function toArgs(): array
        return $this->args;

Any command can extend the ExecutableCommand class or implement the Executable interface that will allow to execute this command immediately: $command->withSomething('some value')->execute();.


Yii2 DigitalOcean Spaces is licensed under the MIT License.

See the LICENSE file for more information.