
Lightweight implementation for push notifications from Affitto Certificato

1.0.6 2019-11-29 16:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 02:56:02 UTC


Simple and fast implementation for push notifications handling from Affitto Certificato

Latest Stable Version License

Basic example

require_once __DIR__.'/../src/NotificationHandler.php';

$handler = new AffittoCertificato\NotificationHandler();

// this call register to a basic event named 'sharingCurriculum'. 
// In other words the method ->onCurriculum(...) is an alias to ->on('sharingCurriculum', ...)

  // do your logic with $data 
  // code ...
  // code ...
  // code ...
  // code ...

// this call register to an event named 'eventname_not_yet_implemented'
$handler->on('eventname_not_yet_implemented', function($data){
  return "You should implement this awesome event... really";

// run the push notification handler logic and return results to the AffittoCertificato caller

// that's it!

What should the callback do?

If a callback wants to inform the caller that something has gone wrong, it must throw an Exception with a descriptive note in it

Here's an implementation of a simple logic in onCurriculum event:


  if (!isset ($data->curriculumLink))
    throw new Exception("Hey! You don't have passed me the link");

  // do some logics with curriculumLink
  // code ...
  // code ...
  // code ...
  // code ...

The callback function may return a value (not mandatory and in any desidered form [string, object, number, ...]) as further description for action results, if there's one it will be added as "payload" to json response and passed to AffittoCertificato caller.


    // do your logics
  // code ...
  // code ...
  // code ...
  // code ...

  return "Have a nice day!";


In this case the caller (Affitto Certificato) will receive the string "Have a nice day!" as a payload from the handler (you). This informations will be used as log information and for further debugging activities.

onCurriculum $data format

The callback onCurriculum receive an object on $data parameter structured as follow:

$data->code; // is the code of rental listing you chose during button creation
$data->curriculumLink; // is the address that link to the tenant's curriculum
$data->userName; // Tenant's full name, such as "John Smith"


  • PHP >= 5.6


The recommended way is to install the lib through Composer.

Simply run composer require affittocertificato/pushnotificationhandler for it to be automatically installed and included in your composer.json.

Now you can use the autoloader, and you will have access to the library:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


This library is released under the GPL-3.0 license