
v5.8.6 2024-12-20 15:30 UTC



$ composer require adt/files

  • Create instance of \ADT\Files\Listeners\FileListener - parameters:
    • $dataDir is path to directory where files will be saved
    • $dataUrl is URL leading to same directory
    • implementation of Doctrine\ORM\EntityMangerInterface
  • Register \ADT\Files\Listeners\FileListener into Doctrine\Common\EventManger. If you are using kdyby ORM extension, you can do that by added tag kdyby.subscriber like this:
            factory: ADT\Files\Listeners\FileListener(%dataFolder%/files, 'files')
            tags: [kdyby.subscriber]
  • Create your File entity for example:
        use ADT\Files\Entities\IFileEntity;
        use ADT\Files\Entities\TFileEntity;
        use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
         * @ORM\Entity()
        class File implements IFileEntity
            use TFileEntity;
    Feel free to add any aditional columns you need and dont forget about id/PK/identifier.


// create instance of entity
$file = new File();

// set binary data to entity as variable 
$file->setTemporaryContent($binaryContentInString, $originalFileName);

// or set path to temporary file, for example after receiving submitted form with file input 
$file->setTemporaryFile($pathToTemporaryFile, $originalFileName);
