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0.1.0 2017-03-16 17:05 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-17 10:52:09 UTC


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adagio/middleware library allows to implement middlewares with various data types easily.


Install Composer and run the following command to get the latest version:

composer require adagio/middleware

Quick start


Middlewares principles

  • A middleware signature MUST include the input data, the output data to hydrate and the next middleware to call.
  • A middleware MUST return a valid output data.
  • A middle ware CAN process data before or after calling the next midleware.
  • The very last middleware "hidden in the stack" just returns the output data.

Transition to middlewares

Imagine you want to add a middleware pipeline to an existing image-editing library.

Here is the way you can do it without middlewares:

// I want to solarize, rotate, unblur and then sepia my image (parameters are 
// voluntarily omitted for clarity).
$image = (new SepiaFilter)
    ->filter((new UnblurFilter)
    ->filter((new RotateFilter)
    ->filter((new SolarizedFilter)
    ->filter(new Image('/path/to/image')))));

Problems are:

  • you have to declare the pipeline backward
  • big parenthesis mess
  • you cannot declare a pipeline to use on other images later

With adagio/middleware, you can do it easily:

use Adagio\Middleware\Stack;

$pipe = new Stack([
    new SolarizedFilter,
    new RotateFilter,
    new UnblurFilter,
    new SepiaFilter,

$image = $stack(new Image('/path/to/image'));

Filters have just to respect the following signature convention:

function (Image $image, callable $next): Image
    // Maybe do something with $image
    $resultingImage = $next($image);
    // Maybe do something with $resultingImage
    return $resultingImage;

Each filter must pass the $image to the $next element of the pipe and can modify it before of after passing it.

Filters can be any callable respecting the given signature.

More complex example: DB query processing

Middlewares are even more useful when the given and the returned objects are different. Think about a SQL query processor with the following signature:

function (SqlQuery $query, ResultSet $resultSet, callable $next): ResultSet

You can then provide a caching middleware:

final class QueryCache
    // ...

    public function __invoke(SqlQuery $query, ResultSet $resultSet, callable $next): ResultSet
        // If the query is already in cache, return the ResultSet and don't 
        // trigger the rest of the middleware stack
        if ($this->resultSetCache->hasQuery($query)) {
            return $this->resultSetCache->getFromQuery($query);

        $finalResultSet = $next($query, $resultSet);

        $this->resultSetCache->add($query, $finalResultSet);

        return $finalResultSet;

You can also provide a middleware that translates from a SQL standard to another, a SQL validator, a client-side cluster/shard solution, a logger, a performance monitor, ...