
AcploLog provides some log utility your ZF2 application

0.0.1 2015-04-25 22:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 09:39:21 UTC


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This module provides some useful log classes:

  • ErrorLogger = PHP error and Exception
  • EntityLogger = Doctrine ORM Entity
  • SqlLogger = Doctrine DBAL SQL
  • StaticLogger = "Shortcut" to a generic file logger. Can be attached to the Z-Ray in Zend Server (NEW)


This module only requires zendframework 2


Instalation can be done with composer ou manually

Installation with composer

For composer documentation, please refer to

  1. Enter your project directory

  2. Create or edit your composer.json file with following contents:

        "minimum-stability": "dev",
        "require": {
            "acplo/acplolog": "1.*"
  3. Run php composer.phar install

  4. Open my/project/directory/config/application.config.php and add AcploLog to your modules

    Usually insert as the first module to enable catch errors and exceptions in all modules.

return array(
    'modules' => array(
    'module_listener_options' => array(
        'config_glob_paths'    => array(
        'module_paths' => array(

Installation without composer

  1. Clone this module AcploLog to your vendor directory
  2. Enable it in your config/application.config.php like the step 4 in the previous section.


To change the options, copy the file to your config/autoload/ , rename it to and change the default options.


To enable the ErrorLogger just add the registerHandlers inside your public/index.php


require 'init_autoloader.php';


Zend\Mvc\Application::init(require 'config/application.config.php')->run();

You can use the logger with your phpunit tests. Just call it in your bootstrap file just after the autoload is created:


Output examples

PHP Error
2012-10-30T17:58:10-02:00 ERR (3): Error: Call to a member function format() on a non-object in <filename> on line <line>
2012-11-01T09:23:53-02:00 ERR (3): Exception- An exception was raised while creating "Application\Service\Test"; no instance returned in <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/ServiceManager/ServiceManager.php in line 733.
Previous: "data/logs2/erros.log" cannot be opened with mode "a" in <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Log/Writer/Stream.php in line 87.
Previous: fopen(data/logs2/erros.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Log/Writer/Stream.php in line 84.
#0 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/ServiceManager/ServiceManager.php(843): Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->createServiceViaCallback(Object(Closure), 'teste', 'Application\Service\Tes...')
#1 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/ServiceManager/ServiceManager.php(487): Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->createFromFactory('teste', 'Application\Service\Tes...')
#2 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/ServiceManager/ServiceManager.php(442): Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->create(Array)
#3 <dir>/src/Application/Module.php(29): Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get('Application\Service\Tes...')
#4 [internal function]: Application\Module->onBootstrap(Object(Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent))
#5 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/EventManager/EventManager.php(468): call_user_func(Array, Object(Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent))
#6 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/EventManager/EventManager.php(208): Zend\EventManager\EventManager->triggerListeners('bootstrap', Object(Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent), Array)
#7 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Mvc/Application.php(146): Zend\EventManager\EventManager->trigger('bootstrap', Object(Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent))
#8 <dir>/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Mvc/Application.php(243): Zend\Mvc\Application->bootstrap()
#9 <dir>/public/index.php(23): Zend\Mvc\Application::init(Array)
#10 {main}

The default logfile is data/log/error.log


The first usage is to dump a Doctrine Entity to the screen, either HTML or console.

To do that just call a static function:

echo \AcploLog\Log\EntityLogger::dump($entity);

and it will print:

stdClass Object
    [__CLASS__] => User\Entity\User
    [name] => Admin
    [email] =>
    [password] => $2y$14$4n/JYSM7ZtSaZpg1/PgFZefzoblrmaMmMZga.nhf7TZNAd
    [id] => 1
    [created] => DateTime

The "dump" function provides two more arguments:

public static function dump($entity, $maxDepth = 1, $toHtml = true)

The second argument indicates how depth will be the dump (other classes as properties, including collections) with default to 1 and the third if the output will be HTML friendly (encloses the output in a "pre" tag) or false for a console version with a default to true.

echo \AcploLog\Log\EntityLogger::dump($entity, 2);

and it will print:

stdClass Object
    [__CLASS__] => User\Entity\User
    [name] => Admin
    [email] =>
    [password] => $2y$14$4n/JYSM7ZtSaZpg1/PgFZefzoblrmaMmMZga.nhf7TZNAd
    [id] => 1
    [access] => Array
            [0] => User\Entity\Access
            [1] => User\Entity\Access
            [2] => User\Entity\Access
    [created] => stdClass Object
            [__CLASS__] => DateTime
            [date] => 2014-09-28T07:06:29-03:00
            [timezone] => America/Sao_Paulo
echo \AcploLog\Log\EntityLogger::dump($entity, 3);

and it will print:

stdClass Object
    [__CLASS__] => User\Entity\User
    [name] => Admin
    [email] =>
    [password] => $2y$14$4n/JYSM7ZtSaZpg1/PgFZefzoblrmaMmMZga.nhf7TZNAd
    [id] => 1
    [access] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [__CLASS__] => User\Entity\Access
                    [ip] =>
                    [agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
                    [id] => 1
                    [created] => DateTime
                    [updated] => DateTime

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [__CLASS__] => User\Entity\Access
                    [ip] =>
                    [agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.1.3 Safari/537.75.14
                    [id] => 2
                    [created] => DateTime
                    [updated] => DateTime
    [created] => stdClass Object
            [__CLASS__] => DateTime
            [date] => 2014-09-28T07:06:29-03:00
            [timezone] => America/Sao_Paulo

The second usage of this class is to save database operations generated by your entities.

ATTENTION: This logger depends on DoctrineORMModule. Since its usage is optional, i did not put this requirement inside the composer.json

To enable this logger, register inside your doctrine's config (e.g. config/autoload/global.php)

namespace App;
return array(
    // Doctrine config
    'doctrine' => array(
        'driver' => array(
            __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver' => array(
                'class' => 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver',
                'cache' => 'array',
                'paths' => array(
                    __DIR__ . '/../src/' . __NAMESPACE__ . '/Entity'
            'orm_default' => array(
                'drivers' => array(
                    __NAMESPACE__ . '\Entity' => __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver'
        'eventmanager' => array(
            'orm_default' => array(
                'subscribers' => array(

will generate:

2012-10-29T19:30:46-02:00 DEBUG (7): Inserting entity Application\Entity\Client. Fields: {"nome":[null,"ClientName"],"created_on":[null,{"date":"2012-10-29 19:30:46","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"America\/Sao_Paulo"}]}
2012-10-29T19:32:23-02:00 DEBUG (7): Updating entity Application\Entity\Client with id 3. Fields: {"nome":["ClientName","ClientName2"]}
2012-10-29T19:36:53-02:00 DEBUG (7): Deleting entity Application\Entity\Client with id 3.

The default logfile is data/log/entity.log


With this logger you can save all Doctrine database operations within your application.

ATTENTION: This logger depends on DoctrineModule. Since its usage is optional, i did not put this requirement inside the composer.json

Edit the config/autoload/ file to enable this logger.

The default logfile is data/log/sql.log


This logger is usually used to log development or debug messages, arrays and objects. Just call it statically anywhere in your code.

AcploLog\Log\StaticLogger::save("Test message");
AcploLog\Log\StaticLogger::save("Test message 2", 'test.log');

will generate

2012-10-29T19:32:30-02:00 DEBUG (6): Test message

Or an object:


will generate

2013-07-30T17:26:37-03:00 DEBUG (7): {"User\\Entity\\User":[],"nome":{"type":"string","content":"Leandro"},"sobrenome":{"type":"string","content":"Silva"},"permissao":{"type":"string","content":"usuario"},"email":{"type":"string","content":""},"acessos":{"type":"object","class":"Doctrine\\ORM\\PersistentCollection"},"login":{"type":"NULL","content":null},"senha":{"type":"string","content":"admin"},"inputFilter":{"type":"NULL","content":null},"id":{"type":"integer","content":3},"cadastrado":{"type":"object","class":"DateTime"},"atualizado":{"type":"object","class":"DateTime"}}

Optionally, you can get it through Service Locator

$logger = $sm->get('AcploLog\Log\StaticLogger');
$logger->debug("Test message");

The default logfile is data/log/static.log


Z-Ray is an awesome resource from Zend Server that provides several information about the request, errors and the framework. It also has the possibility to add your own informations, so i added the StaticLogger messages to it.

More information can be seen here.

Warning: The Z-Ray extensions works only on Zend Server 8 or greater.


To use the StaticLogger with Z-Ray, follow these steps:

1- Locate the zray extension directory inside the zend server.

For example on Mac/Linux can be found on: /usr/local/zend/var/zray/extesions

2- Create a directory called AcploLog

3- Copy the zray.php and logo.png to this directory

The final result should be:

ls /usr/local/zend/var/zray/extensions/AcploLog/
logo.png	zray.php

Just use the StatticLogger and the messages will appear inside a AcploLog section of the Z-Ray bar.

Optionally, you can pass a "null" value to the file argument to use just the Z-Ray, without writing the message to a file:

AcploLog\Log\StaticLogger::save("Test message", null);