
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the singlequote/laravel-datatables package instead.

Datatables that supports pagination and recursive searching in relations

2.0.28 2019-06-03 08:51 UTC


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ACFBentveld to SingleQuote

The acfbentveld group is transfered to singlequote.

This repo contains a Datatable that can render a filterable and sortable table. It aims to be very lightweight and easy to use. It has support for retrieving data asynchronously, pagination and recursive searching in relations.

Version 3 is here

Version 3 of this package is here. Check out the new version here DataTables v3 Why is there a version 3? Well let me explain that for you. In the new version you don't have to code your own script or html tables. The new version uses TableModels and is much much faster than the previous versions.


If you are using version > 2.0.20 and < 2.0.24 please update the package asap to version 2.0.24. This is because of a security risk when using AVG content!


The package is tested on laravel 5.8.*

You can install the package via composer:

composer require acfbentveld/laravel-datatables

Whats new

A new method is added since 2.0.11. For large results the search method is very slow. The new searchable method fixes that. By defining wich keys you want to search in, the datatables doens't have to create searchable keys itself wich makes it a lot faster.

    \DataTables::model(new User)
        ->searchable('name', 'description', ''); //use the relation name and key


Below is a simple sample of a table that displays the username of the users inside the User model. First of all. Lets start with the php controller

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Users;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\User;

class UsersController extends Controller
    public function index()
        //when the datatables makes a request to the same route/method the package will catch this.
        \DataTables::model(new User)->get();
        return view("users.index");

Then the html with the table

<table id="datatable" class="table">

And the javascript

 $(document).ready(function() {
    //thats all
        "processing": true, //process it
        "serverSide": true, //make it server side
        "ajax": location.href, //this will call the the index function in the user controller
        "columns": [ //define the keys
            { "data": "id" },
            { "data": "name" },
} );



This package supports 2 methods for building the json data, the first one (not recommended!) is the collect method. For this method you pass the retrieved data as a collection to the method. This works great for low amounts of records.


The second method (Recommended) is the model method. This is just great at everything. The datatables class creates a new model instance runs a query on it and done. It also has a lot more options and makes only one request to your database. This is fast for a lot and a low amount of records. Just use this one!

DataTables::model(new User)->get();

javascript | jquery

You don't have to specify a different url. The package will detect if the datatable makes connection

 $(document).ready(function() {
    //thats all
        "processing": true, //process it
        "serverSide": true, //make it server side
        "ajax": location.href //Just get the data from the same url. The package will handle it all

} );


At last make a html table. No need to tell you how that works.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>

<table id="datatable" class="table">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Multiple tables on one page

When using multiple tables on your webpage, you are going to need multiple routes to call the datatables package. Or you can use the table method.

    \DataTables::model(new User)->table('users')->get(); //will be initialized when the table parameter is users
    \DataTables::model(new User)->table('roles')->get(); //will be initialized when the table parameter is roles

In your javascript you can call it like this

    "processing": true,
    "serverSide": true,
    "ajax": location.href + '?table=users' //add the table parameter to make it unique


It takes some time to create search keys and find the results. If you define the search keys before executing, the datatables will render a lot faster

    \DataTables::model(new User)
        ->searchable('name', 'description', ''); //use the relation name and key

Just the regular where method. Use it to filter the model

 DataTables::model(new User)->where('name', 'John Snow')->where('email', '')->get();

Just the regular whereHas method. Use it to filter the model

 DataTables::model(new User)->whereHas('roles')->get();
 DataTables::model(new User)->whereHas('roles', function($query){

Just the regular orWhereHas method. Use it to filter the model

 DataTables::model(new User)->whereHas('roles')->orWhereHas('permissions')->get();

Just the regular whereYear method. Use it to filter the model

 DataTables::model(new User)->whereYear('created_at', '2018')->get();

Just the regular with method. Selects the relations with it

 DataTables::model(new User)->with('roles', 'permissions')->get();

Sometimes you want to encrypt a specif value. Like the ID of a model.

DataTables::model(new User)->encrypt('id')->get(); // will return all items with an encrypted value

The exclude method excludes keys from the response data

 DataTables::model(new User)->exclude('id', 'email')->get(); //removes the id column from the collection

When trying to access scopes from your model, you can use the addScope method to add scopes to your collection.

    DataTables::model(new User)->addScope('active')->get(); //Access the scopeActive on the users model

Adding data to the scope

    DataTables::model(new User)->addScope('formatDate', 'd-m-Y')->get(); //Access the scopeFormatDate with data
with trashed

To retrieve the soft delete items from your database, you can use the default withTrashed method. This will only work on models that have included the soft delete trait.

    DataTables::model(new User)->withTrashed()->get(); //Retrieve the soft deleted items.
datatable options
 $(document).ready(function() {
    //thats all
        "processing": true, //process it
        "serverSide": true, //make it server side
        "ajax": location.href, //Just get the data from the same url. The package will handle it all
        "columns": [ //define the keys
                { "data": "id" },
                { "data": "name" },
        //if you want to use relations or chage the behavior of a cell
        "columnDefs": [
                    "render": function ( data, type, row ) {
                        //for relations just return the relation key
                    "targets": [0] //the targets, starts at 0

} );


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: ACF Bentveld, Ecu 2 8305 BA, Emmeloord, Netherlands.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.