
Make filters in laravel

v0.0.21 2023-06-15 19:14 UTC


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The abelaguiar/filter-laravel package provides easy to use functions to simples filters in laravel.

Install Package

composer require abelaguiar/filter-laravel

Use php artisan to view the list of commands associated with filters.

Create filters:

php artisan filter:model <Model>

Create field:

php artisan filter:field <Name>

When creating a filter, inside the class we have an array, where you will put the fields you want to use as filters in your model.

Example filter class with fields implemention:

use App\Filters\Fields\TitleField;
use AbelAguiar\Filter\AbstractFilter;

class PostClass extends AbstractFilter
    protected $filters = [
        'title' => TitleField::class

Example fields class:

class TitleField
    public function filter($builder, $value)
        return $builder->where('title', $value);

Created the filters, in the model that you want to connect filters, you will put:

use AbelAguiar\Filter\RequestFilter;

class Post
    use RequestFilter;

If you want to set up a different filter path, use the variable below within the model:

protected static $filter = 'App\Filters\PostFilter';

Finally, when calling your model anywhere in your application, just call the method filter by passing the request, thus returning all data from the buca, as in the example below:
