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Event dispatcher of Aatis

1.0.0 2024-02-14 14:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 10:47:32 UTC



This package is a part of Aatis and can't be used without the following packages :


composer require aatis/event-dispatcher



Add the EventDispatcher service to the Container:

# In config/services.yaml file :

    - 'Aatis\EventDispatcher\Service\EventDispatcher'


This package provides an abstract Event class that can be extended to create custom events like the following :

use Aatis\EventDispatcher\Event\Event;

class ExampleEvent extends Event


This package provides also an abstract StoppableEvent class that can be extended to create custom stoppable events like the following :

use Aatis\EventDispatcher\Event\StoppableEvent;

class ExampleStoppableEvent extends StoppableEvent

This class implements a custom StoppableEventInterface that extends the Psr\EventDispatcher\StoppableEventInterface.

So, with this class, you can access 2 specific methods :

  • isPropagationStopped that returns a boolean to know if the event propagation is stopped
  • stopPropagation that set the propagation to false, it must be called into a listener or a subscriber method


The EventDispatcher service can dispatch events with a priority amount that is an integer. The higher the priority, the earlier the event will be dispatched.

If two listeners have the same priority for the same event, the order of execution is for this two listeners is random.

By default, the priority is set to 0.


A listener is a class that can be called when an event is dispatched. It must contains a __invoke method with only one parameter that must be the event listened.

Example of a listener targeting the ExampleEvent :

class ExampleListener
    public function __invoke(ExampleEvent $event): void
        // Do something

You can specify the priority of a listener by attaching a EventListener attribute to the class with a priority parameter :

#[EventListener(priority: 2)]
class ExampleListener
    public function __invoke(ExampleEvent $event): void
        // Do something

Finally, you must inform the container that this class is a listener by adding the event-listener tag to the service :

# In config/services.yaml file :

            - 'event-listener'


A subscriber is a class that contains multiple listener methods and subscibe to several events.

It must provide a getSubscribedEvents method that returns the array of the events to which the service subscribes and their associated listener method.

Example of a subscriber :

class TestSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public function onExample(Event $event): void
        // Do something

    public function onExampleBis(Event $event): void
        // Do something

    public function getSubscribedEvents(): iterable
        return [
            ExampleEvent::class => 'onExample',
            ExampleBisEvent::class => 'onExampleBis',

You can also specify multiple listeners for the same event by passing an array instead :

public function getSubscribedEvents(): iterable
    return [
        ExampleEvent::class => [
        ExampleBisEvent::class => 'onExampleBis',

For the priority, you can also pass an array with the listener method and the priority as an integer :

public function getSubscribedEvents(): iterable
    return [
        ExampleEvent::class => [
            ['onExample', 2],
        ExampleBisEvent::class => ['onExampleBis', 2],