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Dependency Injection of Aatis

1.5.0 2024-02-14 12:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 11:21:37 UTC



composer require aatis/dependency-injection



Set the environment variable APP_ENV to the name of the environment you want to use.

Create the container builder with the context of your app ($_SERVER).

(new ContainerBuilder($ctx))->build();

Exclude files

Precise the files that are not services.

# In config/services.yaml file :

  - '/Folder'
  - '/OtherFolder/file.txt'
  - <...>

Service config

You can manage in which environment your service must be loaded and the arguments to pass to the constructor.

You can also precise the class to use for the dependency when it is an interface.

Finally, you can give extra tags to any service.

# In config/services.yaml file :

            - 'env_name1'
            - 'env_name2'
            - <...>
            variable_name_into_the_constructor: 'it_value'
            - 'tag_name1'
            - 'tag_name2'
            - <...>

environment and tags are optional

the key of an argument must have the same name as in the constructor

Interface into constructor

When an interface is requested into the constructor of a service, the DI will try to find a service implementing this interface into your app.

If multiple services implement the interface, the DI will pick the first one found or an already instancied service implementing the interface.

If you want to use a specific service, don't forget to declare it into the declaration of the service.

# In config/services.yaml file :

            variable_name_into_the_constructor: 'service_implementing_the_interface'

Otherwise if your want to use a specific service of the vendor, do the previous step and precise it into the includes_services part of the config.

# In config/services.yaml file :

    - 'Namespace\To\The\Vendor\Service\Implementing\The\Interface'

Env variable into constructor

You can request for a env variable directly into the constructor of a service.

public function __construct(string $_my_env_var)
    // ...

the name of the variable must start with $_ and be followed by the env variable name in lowercase

Container uses

Get and Set

With the container, you can get and set any service / env variable you want with the methods get() and set() of the container.

However, to set a service, you must give an instance of the Service class. You can create it with the ServiceFactory service.

// Env Variable
$container->set('APP_ENV_VAR_NAME', 'value');

// Service

$service = $container->get(ServiceFactory::class)->create('Namespace\To\The\Service');
$container->set('Namespace\To\The\Service', $service);

APP_ENV_VAR_NAME must start with "APP_"

Get by tag(s)

You can get services by tag(s) with the getByTag() and getByTags method of the Container.

$container->getByTags(['tag_name1', 'tag_name2']);

You can also request to get Service instances instead of the instance of the services with precise true in the second argument.

$container->getByTag('tag_name', true);
$container->getByTags(['tag_name1', 'tag_name2'], true);

Get by interface(s)

You can get services by interface(s) with the getByInterface() and getByInterfaces method of the Container.

$container->getByInterfaces(['Namespace\To\The\Interface1', 'Namespace\To\The\Interface2']);

Like tags, you can also request to get Service instances instead of the instance of the services with precise true in the second argument.

$container->getByInterface('Namespace\To\The\Interface', true);
$container->getByInterfaces(['Namespace\To\The\Interface1', 'Namespace\To\The\Interface2'], true);


You can use the ServiceInstanciator service and the setInstance() method of the Service class to instanciate a service into the container.

You can choose between two methods to instanciate a service. For the first one, you must inform the arguments to pass to the constructor into the config. For the second one, you must create the instance yourself.

$service = $container->get(ServiceFactory::class)->create('Namespace\To\The\Service');

// Method 1
$instance = $container->get(ServiceInstanciator::class)->instanciate($service)

// Method 2
$instance = new Namespace\To\The\Service($arg1, $arg2, ...);

$container->set('Namespace\To\The\Service', $service);