aarsteinmedia / flatsome-stubs
Flatsome function, class, and global variable declaration stubs for easier static analysis.
Requires (Dev)
- php: >=7.1
- ext-gettext: *
- dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer: *
- php-stubs/generator: ^0.5.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: *
- wp-coding-standards/wpcs: *
This package provides stub declarations for Flatsome core functions, classes, interfaces, and global variables. These stubs can help plugin and theme developers leverage static analysis tools like Psalm and plugins like Intellisense, Intelephense.
Require this package as a dev-dependency with Composer:
composer require --dev aarsteinmedia/flatsome-stubs
Alternatively, you may download flatsome-stubs.php
Usage with Psalm
Update your Psalm config to include the section:
<stubs> <file name="vendor/aarsteinmedia/flatsome-stubs/flatsome-stubs.php" /> </stubs>
Furthermore, ensure Flatsome core code is not included under <projectFiles>
Usage for Intellisense
If your editor has trouble parsing all of Flatsome classes, functionc, etc, you may find the stubs useful for enabling code completion and related features. For example, here are instructions for usage with VSCode's Intelephense extension. Or in a local workspace for intelephense create a .php
file and add
{ "intelephense.stubs": [ "/vendor/aarsteinmedia/flatsome-stubs/flatsome-stubs.php" ] }
This package is versioned to match the Flatsome version from which the stubs are generated. If any fixes to stubs are required, subsequent releases will be versioned as FLATSOME_VERSION.X