
A PHP framework for web app.

1.0.0 2024-08-13 02:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 06:11:23 UTC



$ composer require aaron-lin/app-php


There are three types of supported PHP applications: RESTful App, CRUD App and Single Page App.

RESTful App

To build RESTful App, extend the Lin\AppPhp\Server\RestfulApp class, and override the OnGet|OnPost|OnPut|OnDelete|OnPatch methods.

For detailed example, see example/restful_app.php.


To build CRUD App which only accept POST method and receive command from resource path, extend the Lin\AppPhp\Server\CrudApp class, and override the OnCreate|OnRead|OnUpdate|OnDelete methods.

For detailed example, see example/crud_app.html and example/crud_app.select.php.

Single Page App

To build single page app, instanciate the Lin\AppPhp\Server\SinglePageApp class, and pass the web page html code as string to the constructor, and call AddPostAction method to add actions for receiving post requests.

For detailed example, see example/single_page_example.html and example/single_page_app.php.


To implement authorization:

  1. create a class implementing Lin\AppPhp\Authorization\AuthorizationInterface interface, and implement the Authorize($Token, $RequestScopes = []) method
  2. pass the instance to WithAuthorization method of Lin\AppPhp\Server\App class
  3. call AuthorizeRequest method of Lin\AppPhp\Server\App class to check authorization
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Lin\AppPhp\Server\App;
use Lin\AppPhp\Server\RestfulApp;
use Lin\AppPhp\Authorization\AuthorizationInterface;

// 實作 AuthorizationInterface
class Authorization implements AuthorizationInterface
    public function Authorize($Token, $RequestScopes = []): bool
        $AvailableScopes = ['user.read', 'user.create'];
        $AccessScopes = array_intersect($RequestScopes, $AvailableScopes);
        if (count($RequestScopes) > 0 && count($AccessScopes) === 0) {
            return false;
        return true;

class User extends RestfulApp
    public function OnGet()
        // 檢查權限: 呼叫 App::AuthorizeRequest
        if (!$this->AuthorizeRequest(['user.read'])) {
            return App::UnauthorizedResponse();
        // 回應
        return App::NoContentResponse();

// 處理請求
$App = new User();
$App->WithAuthorization(new Authorization())->HandleRequest(App::CreateServerRequest());

For OAuth2 authorization with JWT, use Lin\AppPhp\Authorization\OAuthAuthorization class:

  1. create a class extending Lin\AppPhp\Authorization\OAuthAuthorization class, and implement the IsTokenRevoked($JTI) method
  2. pass the instance to WithAuthorization method of Lin\AppPhp\Server\App class
  3. call AuthorizeRequest method of Lin\AppPhp\Server\App class to check authorization
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Lin\AppPhp\Server\App;
use Lin\AppPhp\Server\RestfulApp;
use Lin\AppPhp\Authorization\AuthorizationInterface;

// 實作 AuthorizationInterface
class Authorization extends OAuthAuthorization
    public function IsTokenRevoked($JTI)
        // 檢查 token 是否被撤銷
        return false;

class User extends RestfulApp
    public function OnGet()
        // 檢查權限: 呼叫 App::AuthorizeRequest
        if (!$this->AuthorizeRequest(['user.read'])) {
            return App::UnauthorizedResponse();
        // 回應
        return App::NoContentResponse();

// 處理請求
$PublicKeyPath = '/var/www/pubkeys/oauth_pub';
$App = new User();
$App->WithAuthorization(new Authorization($PublicKeyPath))->HandleRequest(App::CreateServerRequest());