
A PHP wrapper class to get data ebook from Google Book and GoodReads API.

1.2.3 2019-04-24 20:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-25 09:25:21 UTC


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A PHP wrapper class to get the ebook information data from Google Book or GoodReads API.


Install this package via Composer.

composer require "aalfiann/ebook-api-php:^1.0"

Usage to use Google Book API

This is the basic to search books.

use aalfiann\EbookAPI\GoogleBook;
require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$ebook = new GoogleBook('YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY');

// Search book
echo $ebook->search('vue js')
    // you can add filter to search only free-ebooks
    // you can add projection 'lite'. This includes only a subject of volume and access metadata.
    // you can add printType 'books'. This will return just books.

    // you can add langRestrict 'en'. This will return books with english only.

    // you can add download 'epub'. Currently only support epub.

    // you can add orderBy 'newest'. This will order books start from newest.

    // you can add startIndex 0. First page always start from 0.

    // you can add maxResults 10. This will return only 10 item of books. Max value is 40.

    // send request to Google Book API

    // get the response from Google Book API

Get Books start with spesific parameter.

Get book by title

// Get book by title name
$ebook->title('steve jobs')->maxResults(10);

// Get book by title name 'steve jobs' but only return which is having 'Biography' word in title
$ebook->title('steve jobs','Biography')->maxResults(10);

Get book by author

// Get book by author name

// Get book by author name 'keyes' but only return which is having 'flowers' word in title

Get book by subject name

// Get book by subject name

// Get book by subject name 'Fiction' but only return which is having 'flowers' word in title

Get book by publisher name

// Get book by publisher name
$ebook->publisher('OUP Oxford')->maxResults(10);

// Get book by publisher name 'OUP Oxford' but only return which is having 'Law' word in title
$ebook->publisher('OUP Oxford','Law')->maxResults(10);

Get book by ID

// Get book by Google Book ID

// Get book by ISBN

// Get book by LCCN

// Get book by OCLC

Get Bookshelves

// Get bookshelves from user id '109862556655476830073' 
echo $ebook->bookshelves('109862556655476830073')
    // you can choose the shelf. For example only shelf with id '1001'

    // if you want to show the items inside shelf
    // send request to Google Book API
    // get response from Google Book API

If you want to see the response

echo $ebook->send()->getResponse();

If you want to count the result items

echo $ebook->send()->count();

If you want to see the debug response

echo $ebook->send(false)->getResponse();

Usage to use GoodReads API

Example how to search books

To search books with GoodReads, you must send a request to https://www.goodreads.com/search/index.xml and there is four parameters required, it is key,q,page and search[field]. Visit here for more information.

use aalfiann\EbookAPI\GoodReads;
require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$ebook = new GoodReads('YOUR_GOODREADS_API_KEY');

    // Add param 'q' to query
    ->q('steve jobs')
    // Add param 'search[Field]' to query more spesific results. default is 'all'
    // You can add 'page' for pagination. Start page is always 1
    // Send request to GoodReads API
    // Get response from GoodReads API

Example how to manual add param

If there is new feature released by Goodreads, of course the shortcut method of the new parameter is not available in the class.
So you can use addParam($name,$value) function.

For example we want to Get a user's review for a given book

    // Add param 'user_id' which is not available inside the class
    // Add param 'book_id' which is not available inside the class

    // Add param 'include_review_on_work' which is not available inside the class
    // Send request to GoodReads API 

    // Get response from GoodReads API

For more information about path() and other , You have to read the GoodReads API Documentation, because this GoodReads class is a wrapper only.

GoodReadsMethod class

GoodReadsMethod class is the simple way to make a communication with GoodReads API. This class is contains the method which is often to use or general method only.

This is how to use with GoodReadsMethod class

use aalfiann\EbookAPI\GoodReadsMethod;
require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$ebook = new GoodReadsMethod('YOUR_GOODREADS_API_KEY');

// Search Book
echo $ebook->searchBook('fiction');

// Search Book about 'fiction' but show at page 3
echo $ebook->searchBook('fiction',3);

// Search Book by Genre 'comedy'
echo $ebook->searchBookByGenre('comedy');

// Get book by GoodReads Internal ID
echo $ebook->getBook('21825181');

// Get book by ISBN
echo $ebook->getBookByISBN('9781451648546');

// Get book by title
echo $ebook->getBookByTitle('vuejs');


  • This library is only to get the public data information from Google Book or GoodReads API, so there is no OAuth / Authorization implemented in this library.
  • This library does not include with cache. You should cache the results, because Google and GoodReads has LIMIT RATE and will block your IP address server if too many request.
  • GoodReadsMethod class is unstable, maybe code will change in the future depends on GoodReads.