
CheckoutCod Apps for Nexa Merchant

V1.1.2 2024-11-19 11:29 UTC


This package is a part of NexaMerchant, a Laravel E-commerce package. This package is used to provide a Cash on Delivery payment method for the NexaMerchant package.

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What is COD?

Cash on delivery (COD) is a type of transaction in which the recipient makes payment for a good at the time of delivery. If the purchaser does not make payment when the good is delivered, the good is returned to the seller. The COD method is used by many businesses that sell goods through a catalog or online.

How to Install


Add it to config/app.php $providers

How to Install with Composer

composer require nexa-merchant/checkoutcod

How to Publish the Config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NexaMerchant\CheckoutCod\Providers\CheckoutCodServiceProvider"