PHP client for TalkJS API

v1.0.6 2024-04-23 09:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-23 11:00:55 UTC


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Forked from shapintv/talkjs.

For more information on parameters, custom data, and other things you can send with this API, please see the TalkJS REST API documentation.

The structure of this package is crafted around the TalkJS REST API structure, and as such all the following are treated as distinct APIs:

  • Users
  • Conversations
  • Messages

Not implemented currently:

  • Notifications
  • Sending file Messages


Via Composer

$ composer require carandclassic/talkjs


This can be used as-is or with auto discovery in Laravel.

Create a TalkJSClient

use CarAndClassic\TalkJS\TalkJSClient;

$appId = 'my_app_id';
$secretKey = 'my_secret_key';
$talkJSClient = new TalkJSClient($appId, $secretKey);


Firstly, add TALKJS_APP_ID and TALKJS_SECRET_KEY to your env file. These are pulled in from the package's config automatically talkjs.app_id and talkjs.secret_key respectively.

If you'd like to change this, you can publish the application config and modify the talkjs.php config file in your application:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=CarAndClassic\\TalkJS\\Providers\\TalkJSServiceProvider

Laravel's automatic service discovery will let you dependency inject TalkJSClient as per normal. Alternatively for one-off use you can also pass overriding appId and secretKey arguments using app()->make():

$talkJSClient = app()->make(TalkJSClient::class, ['appId' => 'my_custom_app_id', 'secretKey' => 'my_custom_secret_key']);

Input vs API data

Below you'll see "input data" and "API data" referenced.

  • Input data = data you sent via this package
  • API data = data returned from the API

This is done because currently TalkJS returns empty 200 responses for successful resource update/creation, but it's still helpful to return what you've sent along.


TalkJS IDs for users and conversations are custom and managed by your application.


All endpoints that fetch multiple records (users, conversations, messages) have limit & pagination options. API usage below will use a $filters variable where possible for demonstration, and it will look like this:

$filters = [
    'limit' => 50,
    'startingAfter' => 'latestMessageId'

Creating a TalkJSClient

$appId = 'YOUR_APP_ID';
$secretKey = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY';
$talkJSClient = new TalkJSClient($appId, $secretKey);


Please note TalkJS currently does not offer a user deletion API, and instead recommend you use the update/edit endpoints to anonymise personally identifiable information.

  • Creating or updating a user, returns UserCreated class with input data
$talkJSClient->users->createOrUpdate('my_custom_id', [
    "name" => "Alice",
    "email" => [""],
    "welcomeMessage" => "Welcome!",
    "photoUrl" => "https =>//",
    "role" => "buyer",
    "phone" => ["+1123456789"],
    "custom" => [
        "foo" => "bar"
  • Retrieve a user, returns a User model class with API data
  • Get all users, returns an array of User model class with API data
  • Get user's conversations, returns an array of Conversation model class with API data


  • Create or update a conversation, returns a ConversationCreatedOrUpdated event class with input data
$talkJSClient->conversations->createOrUpdate('my_conversation_id', [
    'subject' => 'My new conversation',
    'participants' => ['my_user_id_1', 'my_user_id_2'],
    'welcomeMessages' => ['Welcome!'],
    'custom' => ['test' => 'test'],
    'photoUrl' => null
  • Retrive a conversation, returns a Conversation model class with API data
  • Find conversations, returns an array of Conversation model class with API data
  • Join a conversation, returns a ConversationJoined event class with input data
$talkJSClient->conversations->join('my_conversation_id', 'my_user_id');
  • Leave a conversation, returns a ConversationLeft event class with input data
$talkJSClient->conversations->leave('my_conversation_id', 'my_user_id');
  • Delete a conversation, returns a ConversationLeft event class with input data
  • Update participation settings (notifications and read/write access)
$notify = true; // Boolean, default true
$access = 'ReadWrite'; // ReadWrite or Read, default ReadWrite
$talkJSClient->conversations->updateParticipation('my_conversation_id', 'my_user_id', $notify, $access);


For more information on custom data and filters, please refer to the TalkJS documentation linked above.

Please note:

  • Sending file attachment is not yet implemented.
  • Endpoints that return multiple messages will return them in descending order, i.e. latest first.
$custom = [
  'foo' => 'bar'
  • Get messages in a conversation, returns an array of Message model class with API data
$talkJSClient->messages->get('my_conversation_id', $filters);
  • Find specific message in a conversation
$talkJSClient->messages->find('my_conversation_id', 'message_id');
  • Post a system message, returns a MessageCreated event class with input data and type of SystemMessage
$talkJSClient->messages->postSystemMessage('my_conversation_id', $text, $custom);
  • Post a user message, returns a MessageCreated event class with input data and type of UserMessage
$talkJSClient->messages->postUserMessage('my_conversation_id', $username, $text, $custom);
  • Edit a message, returns a MessageEdited event class with input data
$talkJSClient->messages->edit('my_conversation_id', 'message_id', $text, $custom);
  • Delete a message, returns a MessageDeleted event class with no data
$talkJSClient->messages->delete('my_conversation_id', 'message_id');


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.