
Measure time between events, variability and compare results.

4.1.0 2024-08-01 11:59 UTC


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Yet another php timer

why another timer?

The main reason I built this timer was to analyze slow requests that occur from time to time on the production server where using tools such as XDebug or php SPX is not advisable.


  • measure timing between events
  • measure variability for the same code loop
  • compare results side by side
  • log only requests slower than a given threshold
  • automatically log when the destructor is called
  • measure peak memory use


  • composer require 8ctopus/nano-timer


There's demo.php in the project root directory that showcases most examples below.

simple timing measurement

use Oct8pus\NanoTimer\NanoTimer;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$timer = new NanoTimer();


$timer->measure('usleep 200ms');

foreach (range(0, 50000) as $i) {
    $a = $i * $i;

$timer->measure('range 0-50000');

echo $timer->table();
usleep 200ms  211ms
range 0-50000  12ms
total         223ms

more advanced timing

  • log autoload and constructor time
  • log peak memory use
use Oct8pus\NanoTimer\NanoTimer;

// autoload and constructor time
$hrtime = hrtime(true);

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$timer = new NanoTimer($hrtime);


$timer->measure('autoload and constructor');


$timer->measure('200ms sleep');


$timer->measure('1s sleep');

foreach (range(0, 50000) as $i) {
    $a = $i * $i;

$timer->measure('pow range 0-50000');

echo $timer->table();
autoload and constructor   23ms
200ms sleep               211ms
1s sleep                 1012ms
pow range 0-50000          13ms
total                    1259ms
memory peak use             4MB

only log measurements slower than

It's sometimes useful to only log measurements slower than a given threshold. In this example, the request will automatically be logged to the error log when the destructor is called if the total time spent is more than 100 milliseconds.

$timer = new NanoTimer();


nanotimer - total: 614ms - destruct: 614ms

measure variability

Sometimes you need to understand the speed variability of the same code loop.

$variability1 = new NanoVariability();

for ($i = 1; $i < 6; ++$i) {
    $ms = (1000 + rand(0, +200)) * 10;
    $variability1->measure("lap {$i}");

echo $variability1->table(true) . "\n";
lap 1   13ms
lap 2   16ms
lap 3   16ms
lap 4   16ms
lap 5   15ms
average 15ms
median  16ms
minimum 13ms
maximum 16ms


Results can be compared both for timings and variability.

$v1 = new NanoVariability();

for ($i = 1; $i < 6; ++$i) {
    usleep(500 + rand(0, 100));
    $v1->measure("lap {$i}");

$v2 = new NanoVariability();

for ($i = 1; $i < 6; ++$i) {
    usleep(500 + rand(0, 100));
    $v2->measure("lap {$i}");

$compare = new Compare($v1, $v2);
lap 1     7 13 +86%
lap 2    15 15 +0%
lap 3    15 15 +0%
lap 4    15 15 +0%
lap 5    15 16 +7%
average  13 15 +15%
median   15 15 +0%
minimum   7 13 +86%
maximum  15 16 +7%