
There is no license information available for the latest version (4.3.10) of this package.

New Attachment plugin for CakePHP

Installs: 341

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 3

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 3


4.3.10 2024-08-13 07:49 UTC


Attachment plugin solves common problems with media, files and embed data. The goal is to store files where you want ( Dropbox, AWS S3, ... ) and keep a record of it in a table.

Attachment offers both storage layer and database layer as well as frontend and backend solutions for common needs.

It uses CakePHP 3, Flysystem and Intervention Image



You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require 3xw/attachment


In src/Application.php

$this->addPlugin(\ Attachment\Plugin::class, ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);

Alternatively you can overload with your own settings (config/attachment.php):

Configure::write('Trois\Attachment.config', ['attachment']);
$this->addPlugin(\ Attachment\Plugin::class, ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);


bin/cake migrations migrate -p Trois/Attachment

a sql file can found at path:



Create a thumbnails folder with appropriate chmod to enable php to write in it...

mkdir webroot/thumbnails
chmod 777 webroot/thumbnails

If you store your files locally, then create a folder according to default settings or your own. For default set as follow:

mkdir webroot/files
chmod 777 webroot/files



In order to use backend tools you need to have following libs installed:


jquery >= 1.x
vuejs = 2.x
vue-resource = 1.x


bootstrap = 4.x


Vuejs components are nested to a top parent you need to setup. It requires one extra block (template). Following is easy to achieve.

in your layout.ctp:

	<!-- CSS -->
	<?= $this->Html->css([
  	]) ?>
	<?= $this->fetch('css') ?>
	<div id="admin-app" class="wrapper">
		...flash, content goes here...

	<!-- TEMPLATES -->
	<?= $this->fetch('template') ?>

	<!-- SCRIPTS -->
	<?= $this->Html->script([
	 ]) ?>
	<?= $this->fetch('script') ?>



in your app.js

(function(scope, $, Vue){

	// boostrap
	$(document).ready(function(){ var adminApp = new Vue({el: "#admin-app"}) })

})(window, jQuery, Vue)


Default settings are present at following path: vendor/3xw/attachment/config/attachment.php

feel free to write your own at following path: config/attachment.php

Exemple of settings:

return [
  'Attachment' => [

    // set profiles
    'profiles' => [
      's3' => [
		'replace' => false,
		'afterReplace' => null // null | callback fct($entity),
		'delete' => true,
		'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter',
		'client' => new League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter(Aws\S3\S3Client::factory([
			'credentials' => [
				'key'    => '***',
				'secret' => '***',
			'region' => 'eu-central-1',
			'version' => 'latest',
		'baseUrl' =>  's3.example.com'

    // lsiteners
    lsiteners => [],

    // upload settings
    'upload' => [
      'maxsize' => 30, // 30MB
      'types' =>['image/jpeg','image/png','image/gif'],
      'atags' => [],
      'atagsDisplay' => false, // false | 'select' | 'input'
      'profile' => 's3',

      // pagination setting in browse views
      'pagination' => [
        'offset' => 9, // = 10 pages
        'start' => true,
        'end' => true,

    // thumbnails settings
    'thumbnails' => [
      'driver' => 'Imagick', // or Imagick if installed,
      'compression' => [
     		'jpegoptim' => '/usr/local/bin/jpegoptim', // path or false ( default /usr/local/bin/jpegoptim )
    		'pngquant' => '/usr/local/bin/pngquant', // path or false ( default /usr/local/bin/pngquant )
    		'quality' => 25 // encoding quality level from 0 to 100 ( default 25 )
  		'breakpoints' => [
	        'lg' => '(min-width: 1200px)',
	        'md' => '(max-width: 1199px)',
	        'sm' => '(max-width: 991px)',
	        'xs' => '(max-width: 767px)',
      'widths' => ['678','1200'],
      'heights' => false,
      'aligns' => false, // or some of following [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] with 0 center, 1 top, 4 left, 5 right top corner, 8 left top corner ....
      'crops' => ['16:9','4:3','1:1']


You can set up your profiles according to Flysystem doc just add baseUrl in order to retrieve full urls. Profiles are stored by name. So you can split your file in sevral systems.

Attachment comes prepact with three default settings:

default // Local file system stored in webroot/files
external // used for external urls
cache // for thumbs creations

following is the default adptater for local storage:

'default' => [
	'adapter' => 'League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local',
	'client' => new League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local('files'),
	'baseUrl' =>  '/files/'

So you can use your own or install new one with composer.


The upload is made before saving a realted records. global settings are setup under Attachment.upload. You can set global behaviors and then override them local in add.ctp or edit.ctp. Sevral options are avaliable here:

'upload' => [
  'maxsize' => 30, // 30MB
  'types' =>['image/jpeg','embed/soundcloud',...], // mime types and embed/:service for embed stuff
  'atags' => [], // atags are use to store attachemnts with
  'relation' => 'belongsToMany', // model relation
  'profile' => 'default', // profile to use (where you store files)
  'visibility' => 'public', // public or private
  'speech' => false, // french goody
  'restrictions' => [] // or Trois\Attachment\View\Helper\AttachmentHelper::TAG_RESTRICTED

Restrictions are behaviors used in backend to sort files.

AttachmentHelper::TAG_RESTRICTED // enforce attachments to associted with given tags in save and retieve with a AND strategy
AttachmentHelper::TAG_OR_RESTRICTED // enforce attachments to associted with given tags in save and retieve with a OR strategy
AttachmentHelper::types_restricted // enforce attachments to saved and retrieve with a OR strategy according given mime types


Listeners are Events Handlers that are executed once their relative event is triggered. You can set handlers for a genral purpose in the attachment config file, or you can add the 'lsiteners' key to setting arrays of any Attachment Helper functions with CRUD ability.

'listeners' => [
  'beforePaginate' => [
    'App\Listener\MayOtherListener' => [
      'momo' => 'toto'

Events triggered list is:


Listners should extend the BaseListener class:

namespace App\Listener;

use Trois\Attachment\Listener\BaseListener;
use Cake\Event\Event;

class ExtranetMoveFileListener extends BaseListener
  // $event->getSubject() returns an object with minimum a request variable
  // all model events are wrapped on top of:
  // https://crud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events.html#crud-beforesave
  public function respond(Event $event)  



Attachment.thumbnails is the settings for thumbs generation.

'thumbnails' => [
  'driver' => 'Imagick', // or Imagick if installed,
  'widths' => [600, 1200],
  'heights' => [],
  'aligns' => [], // or some of following [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] with 0 center, 1 top, 4 left, 5 right top corner, 8 left top corner ....
  'crops' => ['4:3','16:9']

This settings are global and restirct local changes in order to keep logic of thumb in one file and limit extra formats. each table are possibility you allow. So only 600px and 1200px thumbs are allowed. Only crop of 4:3 and 16:9 are allowed.



Attachment is two tables: Attachments and Atags. So you can bind any of your models with, all relations types are supported.

$this->belongsToMany('Attachments', [
  'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
  'targetForeignKey' => 'attachment_id',
  'joinTable' => 'attachments_posts'

// OR

$this->belongsTo('Attachments', [
  'foreignKey' => 'attachment_id',
  'joinType' => 'INNER' // OR LEFT ...

Attachment handles an 'order' field as well. So feel free to add such a field in your HABTM join tables...


Simply use contain or any join you need...

public function index()
	$this->paginate = [
	  'contain' => ['Attachments' /* => ['sort' => 'order'] */ ] // if HABTM with an order field
	$posts = $this->paginate($this->Posts);
	$this->set('_serialize', ['posts']);


All skills are in the Helper Attachment. So first of All add it into your AppView.

in src/View/AppView.php

public function initialize()


In add.ctp

<!-- Attachment -->
<?= $this->Attachment->input('Attachments', // if Attachments => HABTM else if !Attachments => belongsTo
	  	'label' => 'Image',
	  	'types' =>['image/jpeg','image/png'],
	  	'atags' => ['Restricted Tag 1', 'Restricted Tag 2'],
	  	'profile' => 's3', // optional as it was set in config/attachment.php
	  	'cols' => 'col-xs-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4', // optional as it was set in config/attachment.php,
	  	'maxquantity' => -1,
	  	'restrictions' => [
	  	'attachments' => [] // array of exisiting Attachment entities ( HABTM ) or [entity] ( belongsTo )
) ?>

In edit.ctp

<!-- Attachment -->
<?= $this->Attachment->input('Attachments', // if Attachments => HABTM else if !Attachments => belongsTo
	  	'label' => 'Image',
	  	'types' =>['image/jpeg','image/png'],
	  	'atags' => ['Restricted Tag 1', 'Restricted Tag 2'],
	  	'profile' => 's3', // optional as it was set in config/attachment.php
	  	'cols' => 'col-xs-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4', // optional as it was set in config/attachment.php,
	  	'maxquantity' => -1,
	  	'restrictions' => [
	  	'attachments' => $posts->attachments // array of exisiting Attachment entities ( HABTM ) or entity ( belongsTo )
) ?>
Global Attachments index :
<!-- Attachments element -->
<?= $this->Attachment->buildIndex([
  'actions' => ['add','edit','delete','view','download'],
  'types' =>['image/jpeg','image/png','embed/youtube','embed/vimeo'],
  'atags' => ['Restricted Tag 1', 'Restricted Tag 2'],
		'listStyle' => true,
		'profile' => 's3', // optional as it was set in config/attachment.php
  'restrictions' => [
]) ?>
TinyMCE Plugin

Attachment comes with a TinyMCE plugin. Working with package cakephp-tinymce

echo $this->element('Trois/Tinymce.tinymce',[
  'field' => 'content',
  'value' => $post->content,
  'init' => [
    'external_plugins' => [
      'attachment' => $this->Url->build('/attachment/js/Plugins/tinymce/plugin.min.js', true),
    'attachment_settings' => $this->Attachment->jsSetup('content',[

      // overrides config/attachment.php settings
      'types' => [
			'thumbBaseUrl' => '', //IF NOT $this->Url->build('/')
      'atags' => [],
      'restrictions' => [

This will let you insert image right into trumbowyg textarea !!! heepee!

Exemple in locale.ctp:

$this->element('locale',['fields' => ['meta',
	'header' => [
		'Trois/Tinymce.tinymce' => [
			'value' => $post,
			'init' => []
	'body' => [
		'Trois/Tinymce.tinymce' => [
			'value' => $post,
			'init' => [
				'external_plugins' => [
					'attachment' => $this->Url->build('/attachment/js/Plugins/tinymce/plugin.min.js', true),
				'attachment_settings' => [
					'types' => [
					'atags' => [],
					'restrictions' => [
], 'labels' => ['meta (description google, facebook)', 'lead', 'text']]);


in file

<!-- Display a 16:9 croped image  -->
<?= $this->Attachment->image([
	'image' => $post->attachments[0]->path,
	'profile' => $post->attachments[0]->profile,
	'width' => '600',
	'cropratio' => '16:9,
	'quality' => 50, // from 0 to 100 ( default 25 in plugin's config file attachment.php )
	'srcset' => [
      'lg' => [360,720],
      'md' => [293, 586],
      'sm' => [283, 566],
      'xs' => [767,1534],
],['class' => 'img-responsive']) ?>

<!-- Display an embed video  -->
<?= $post->attachments[0]->embed ?>

Url Only

<?= $this->Attachment->thumbSrc([
	'image' => $post->attachments[0]->path,
	'profile' => $post->attachments[0]->profile,
	'width' => '600',
	'cropratio' => '16:9,
	'quality' => 50, // from 0 to 100 ( default 25 in plugin's config file attachment.php )
	'srcset' => [
      'lg' => [360,720],
      'md' => [293, 586],
      'sm' => [283, 566],
      'xs' => [767,1534],
]) ?>


echo $this->Attachment->downloadLink($attachment ); // Attachment $attachment
// return the full download url for THIS SESSION ONLY


  1. Attachment plugin provides a usefull shell script to retrieve width and height of images
bin/cake Attachment.GetImageSizes
  1. CReate missing attachment transaltions for loacle:
bin/cake CreateMissingTranslations en_GB de_CH ...