
Vdm Http Transport

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3.1.0 2021-07-07 19:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 02:21:35 UTC


Build Status

This symfony messenger extension provides a transport to pull data from a HTTP source.


composer require 3slab/vdm-library-http-transport-bundle

Configuration reference

                dsn: "http://ipconfig.io/json"
                    max_retries: 0
                    method: GET
                    http_options: {}
                    http_executor: ~
                        enabled: true
                        enabled: true
                        number: 5
                        timeBeforeRetry: 5 
Configuration Description
dsn the url you want to collect (needs to start by http or https)
retry_strategy.max_retries needs to be 0 because http transport does not support this feature
options.method HTTP method to be called
options.http_options options supported on request by the symfony http client
options.http_executor set the id (in the container of services) of a custom http executor to use instead of the DefaultHttpExecutor
options.monitoring.enabled if true, hook up in the vdm library bundle monitoring system to send information about the HTTP response
options.retry.enabled if true, retry an http call in case of error
options.retry.number number of time to retry before stopping with error
options.retry.timeBeforeRetry time in second between each try (multiplied by the current retry number to delay)

HTTP Executor

HTTP executor allows you to customize the behavior of the HTTP transport per transport definition inside your messenger.yaml file. Some example use cases are that the API has a pagination or needs a pre-request for authentication.

If you don't set a custom http_executor option when declaring the transport, the default DefaultHttpExecutor is used which just calls the API using the default Symfony http client with the method and http_options you have configured.

You can override this behavior in your project by providing a class that extends Vdm\Bundle\LibraryBundle\Executor\Http\AbstractHttpExecutor.

namespace App\Executor\Http;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryBundle\Model\Message;
use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryBundle\Stamp\StopAfterHandleStamp;

class CustomHttpExecutor extends AbstractHttpExecutor
    public function __construct(
        HttpClientInterface $httpClient,
        LoggerInterface $vdmLogger = null
    ) {
        parent::__construct($httpClient, $vdmLogger);

    public function execute(string $dsn, string $method, array $options): iterable
        // In HttpClient, request just build the request but does not execute it
        $response = $this->httpClient->request($method, $dsn, $options);

        $message = new HttpMessage($response->getContent());
        yield new Envelope($message, [new StopAfterHandleStamp()]);

There are 2 important things your custom executor needs to do :

  • yield a new envelope
  • Add a StopAfterHandleStamp stamp to the yielded envelope if you want to stop after handling the last message (if not, the messenger worker may loop over and will execute it once again without stopping)

Note : thanks to the yield system, you can implement a loop in your execute function and return items once at a time

Note : you can keep state in your custom executor so if it is executed again, adapt your API call

Then references this custom executor in your transport definition in your project messenger.yaml :

                    http_executor: App\Executor\Http\CustomHttpExecutor


If you enable monitoring, it will track the following metrics :

  • Counter on the HTTP response status code
  • Size of the HTTP response body
  • The HTTP response time