
Core for electronic invoicing pre-validation - DIAN UBL 2.1

3.0 2020-08-31 18:38 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-29 04:46:38 UTC


Core for electronic invoicing pre-validation - DIAN UBL 2.1.


  • 1.0: Contains valid tests with binary security token (SOAP) and XAdES signature (XML) with algorithms sha1, sha256 and sha512.
  • 1.1: Contains main templates for Web Service consumption, require curl as a dependency.
  • 1.1.1: Canonization error is solved.
  • 1.2: Contains valid proofs for the sending of credit notes and calculation of the CUDE.
  • 1.3: License LGPL.
  • 2.0: Contains valid proofs for the sending of debit notes and document name standard.



Última actualización Nov 16, 2019 at 3:09PM | Publicado en Jun 30, 2019

Núcleo de Facturación Electrónica Validación Previa DIAN UBL 2.1.


  • 1.0: Contiene pruebas válidas con el token de seguridad binario (SOAP) y la firma XAdES (XML) con los algoritmos sha1, sha256 y sha512.
  • 1.1: Contiene las plantillas principales para el consumo del servicio web, requiere curl como una dependencia.
  • 11.1.1: Se soluciona el error de canonización.
  • 1.2: Contiene pruebas válidas para el envío de notas de crédito y el cálculo del CUDE.
  • 1.3: Licencia LGPL.
  • 2.0: Contiene pruebas válidas para el envío de notas de débito y el nombre del documento estándar.

Cómo instalar:

Instalar con composer

composer require 3creativessas/tc-ubl21dian

SOAP uso básico:

use DOMDocument;
use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\BinarySecurityToken\SOAP;

$xmlString = <<<XML
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:wcf="http://wcf.dian.colombia">

$pathCertificate = 'PATH_CERTIFICATE.p12';

$domDocument = new DOMDocument();

$soap = new SOAP($pathCertificate, $passwors);
$soap->Action = 'http://wcf.dian.colombia/IWcfDianCustomerServices/GetStatus';


file_put_contents('./SOAPDIAN21.xml', $soap->xml);

XAdES SHA1 uso básico:

use DOMDocument;
use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\XAdES\SignInvoice;

$xmlString = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

$pathCertificate = 'PATH_CERTIFICATE.p12';

$domDocument = new DOMDocument();

$signInvoice = new SignInvoice($pathCertificate, $passwors, $xmlString, SignInvoice::ALGO_SHA1);

file_put_contents('./SING1.xml', $signInvoice->xml);

XAdES SHA256 uso básico:

use DOMDocument;
use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\XAdES\SignInvoice;

$xmlString = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

$pathCertificate = 'PATH_CERTIFICATE.p12';

$domDocument = new DOMDocument();

$signInvoice = new SignInvoice($pathCertificate, $passwors, $xmlString);

file_put_contents('./SING256.xml', $signInvoice->xml);

XAdES SHA512 uso básico:

use DOMDocument;
use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\XAdES\SignInvoice;

$xmlString = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

$pathCertificate = 'PATH_CERTIFICATE.p12';

$domDocument = new DOMDocument();

$signInvoice = new SignInvoice($pathCertificate, $passwors, $xmlString, SignInvoice::ALGO_SHA512);

file_put_contents('./SING512.xml', $signInvoice->xml);

Calcular el código de seguridad del software:

// If you assign the values "softwareID" and "pin" the library will calculate and assign "Software Security Code" at the moment of signing the document.
$xadesDIAN->softwareID = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$xadesDIAN->pin = '12345';

Calcular «UUID» (CUFE):

// If you assign the value "technicalKey" the library will calculate and assign "UUID" (CUFE) at the moment of signing the document
$xadesDIAN->technicalKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

Calcular «UUID» (CUDE):

// If you assign the value "pin" the library will calculate and assign "UUID" (CUDE) at the moment of signing the document
$signCreditNote->pin = 'xxxxx';

Consumo de servicios web (Cliente): {#web-service}

use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\Client;
use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\Templates\SOAP\GetStatusZip;

$pathCertificate = 'PATH_CERTIFICATE.p12';

$getStatusZip = new GetStatusZip($pathCertificate, $passwors);
$getStatusZip->trackId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';

// Sign

$client = new Client($getStatusZip);

// DIAN Response Web Service
return $client;

Consumo de servicios web (Plantilla):

use Stenfrank\UBL21dian\Templates\SOAP\GetStatusZip;

$pathCertificate = 'PATH_CERTIFICATE.p12';

$getStatusZip = new GetStatusZip($pathCertificate, $passwors);
$getStatusZip->trackId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';

// Sign to send - DIAN Response Web Service
return $getStatusZip->signToSend();



If this library help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee 😃.
