zakariayacine member since: Sep 02, 2023
zakariayacine's packages
AutoFormGenerator is a Laravel package that streamlines form creation by automatically generating forms and their corresponding input fields using Artisan commands. Simplify repetitive tasks, reduce development time, and enhance productivity by generating fully customizable forms directly from the console. Perfect for CRUD applications and rapid prototyping.
LaraInputGenerator is a powerful and versatile Laravel package designed to streamline input automation tasks within your Laravel applications. Say goodbye to repetitive and time-consuming form and input generation code. With LaraInputGenerator, you can effortlessly create input forms, validation rules, and more with just a few lines of code, saving you valuable development time and ensuring consistency throughout your projects.
LaraMediaMover is a versatile Laravel package that simplifies the movement and management of multimedia files of all types, including images, videos, and documents. It provides a comprehensive solution for uploading, storage, renaming, and handling files, ensuring a seamless development experience for Laravel projects.