Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Support passed variables to javascript.
75 6
Multi-factor authentication for yii2
30 370 14
Support implementing mobile first principle for Yii2 application.
510 4
Simple full-text search for Yii2 active record
1 270 18
Generating PHP code for executing GraphQL
14 975 1
Delegate GraphQL query execution
15 348 0
Delegate GraphQL schema execution
15 429 1
Managing access control of object fields
14 934 0
Adding custom logics before and after when resolving fields
14 944 0
Building GraphQL schema over HTTP (aka remote schema)
15 331 1
Caching GraphQL schema with PSR-16
15 224 0
Merging all sub schemas into one and add relationships for them
14 956 2
Transforming types, fields of GraphQL schema
14 931 0
Utilities for working with GraphQL
15 507 0
Extension hổ trợ tích hợp dịch vụ eSMS.
9 2