uofs-pulse-binfo member since: Jan 27, 2023

uofs-pulse-binfo's packages

  • PHP


    Tripal Cultivate is a collection of Tripal extension packages focused on providing intuitive data management support for breeding and pre-breeding activities.

  • PHP


    A Tripal extension module that provides generic support for surveying the ecosystem including native forage grasses, microbiomes and insect populations.

  • PHP


    A Tripal extension module that provides support for large-scale genotypic data, genetic maps, and QTL with importers, content pages and visualizations.

  • PHP


    A Tripal extension module that provides specialized fields and importers for germplasm.

  • PHP


    A Tripal extension module that provides generic support for large-scale phenotypic data and traits with importers, content pages and visualizations.

  • Twig


    Tripal Cultivate Theme provides default styling for the Drupal websites using the Tripal Cultivate family of packages.