Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Custom installer using Composer.
256 0
Minimalist content management system.
225 178
Flash messages.
150 0
Generates anchor target on heading elements automatically.
9 0
Lists all pages in the current folder, filtered by time.
14 0
Creates a unique design on each page by adding custom CSS and JS code.
5 0
Manages asset files without touching the layout files.
297 0
Adds avatar property to store and display default profile photo.
12 0
Placement system.
Archive page generator.
3 1
Evaluates PHP expressions within the page content.
1 0
Inserts URL data into the page content.
Insert global variables into the page.
2 0
Comment feature.
38 3
Common security tasks for comment extension.