mitmelon member since: Jan 18, 2020

mitmelon's packages

  • PHP


    A simple and lightweight bitcoin to currency converter and vice versa based on current exchange rates from your chosen provider: Coinbase, Coindesk, Bitpay and etc.

  • PHP


    Advanced file compresser which reduces and encrypt large files to smaller chunks by saving them as binary for later use.

  • PHP


    Explore our guides and examples to integrate Copytraps.

  • Shell


    Advanced REST API email and sms security system that protects emails and sms inbox from spam and cyber threats. Perform email & sms grouping, notifications and other interesting features.

  • PHP


    GuardPower is a sophisticated PHP library for protecting your application against bad bots, scrappers, anonymous access from tor browsers, strong user input validations, prevent DDOS Attacks and lots more features to come.

  • PHP


    Incorporate security into your PHP Applications using the Pangea API services.

  • Hack


    Sentiment is a sentiment classifier. It uses a model of words that are categorised as positive, negative or neutral, and a naive bayes algorithm to calculate sentiment. To improve accuracy, Sentiment removes 'noise' words.

  • PHP


    Class to validate and verify email address

    Abandoned! See egulias/email-validator