Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Deployment Tool
13 0
Simplifying PHP Attribute Management
5 921 0
AirTable API client for Laravel
28 5
Laravel cart module
15 4
Laravel cashbox module
53 4
Laravel model localization
20 2
Package development command
90 177 4
Laravel+livewire phone auth module
159 20
Easy seo for Laravel and MoonShine
3 978 18
Laravel subscription module
56 10
Laravel thumbnails module
1 660 7
Algolia global search for MoonShine
2 250 1
Input extension - display the number of characters
51 7
Kanban board resource for moonshine
35 1
MoonShine Field for Spatie tags package
252 2