Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
CLI Image renderer
2 562 453
Ensure deferred execution of code, even in case of fatal error.
3 0
Class to handle a repository of key-values data via dot notation key path
38 1
Event emitter-listener global class and behaviour trait
46 1
Provides a way to extend static classes with new methods
35 0
Class trait for permitting users to override data via callback hooks
43 0
Handle a repository of key-values data
45 1
A module for handling Content Negotiation
40 0
A dictionary to handle application-wide options
43 1
Handles the HTTP request for the current execution
Handles the HTTP Response for the current execution
41 0
A simple and fast URL router
42 0
Access properties with associative array or object notation seamlessly
Helper object for parsing, building and handling URLs