kiefer member since: Oct 17, 2018

kiefer's packages

  • PHP


    A PHP implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating styleguides

  • PHP


    TYPO3 CMS extension that shows the active backend layout for the current page in page module

  • PHP


    Seamlessly embeds Sphinx/reStructuredText-based documentation into your TYPO3 website. Instead of publishing your various manual, in-house documents, guides, references, ... solely as PDF, render them as JSON and use this extension to show them as part of your website to enhance the overall user experience and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Lets you merge the chapter structure with the breadcrumb menu and much more. Documentation styles automatically inherit from your corporate design.

  • PHP


    Installs a full-fledged Sphinx environment within your TYPO3 website. Builds and renders Sphinx/reStructuredText-based projects such as extension manuals, official reference guides or your own in-house documents as HTML/JSON/PDF either from TYPO3 Backend or from command-line, as you prefer. Features a reStructuredText editor with cross-reference browser and syntax highlighting.